Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

16 Nov 2002

PlayStation 2 Xbox Nintendo GameCube
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7.0 rating
177 want
859 played
36 playing
25 reviews



Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is the first Mortal Kombat outing on the next-gen systems. New to DA is a completely revamped fight engine. The graphics are in full 3D and feature somewhat interactive environments. Each character now has different fighting stances, allowing them to be in an offensive stance or a fatality stance. Returning from past games are all your favorite fighters, and a host of new ones. Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, joined by such newcomers as Molloch and Quan Chi. Each character has their own specific fatalities.

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Instead of a story you have...ehm..text story with moves tutorial for each character....I...I dunno...i got so bored that I barely finished one character (yes, real fight was only the tenth mission...out of ten....) Anyway the fighting was fun, the fact you can switch between 3 style is awesome and fun to experiment with.

Also it requires you to set a profile...and login a password? Is this how PS games worked in 2002? I don't remember anything like that honestly 🤣 ...well my point is getting to the point when I found out where to set the profile and that it requires me to set a password (that I need to remember...yes I forgot the first one immediately 🤣) took me longer than playing the 'story' 🤣
22 Feb 2024
Owned on retro handheld
03 Jan 2025
I think it's pretty good. good combat system, Characters, maps, modes and everything.
19 Nov 2022
Played: 46 hours 4 minutes
Record: 28 wins
Level: Very Hard
Platform: Xbox
27 May 2020
كومبات روعه والشخصيات كل منها طريقه قتاليه ويمديك تستخدم سلاح احتياط زي السيف والرمح
01 Dec 2023
Mortal Kombat 2002 muito bravo mesmo vai estar apenas por r$ 5
04 Apr 2024
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