Mega Man 7

24 Mar 1995

Super Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo 3DS Wii U Super Famicom New Nintendo 3DS
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Mega Man 7 is an action platform video game developed and published by Capcom for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the seventh game in the original Mega Man series. The game was released in Japan on March 24, 1995 and was localized later in the year in North America and Europe.

Definitely the megaman i game I have the most indesivive opinion on. For every evolution they make to the megaman formula it comes with a few caviates, both good and bad. The new bigger more detailed sprites while appealing, make some sections feel cramped and clostraphobic, affecting your platforming ability. The new snes sound chip makes the. Music more complex than it could ever of been on NES. But most of the tracks feel held back and tame compared to it's predaceors. More collectable hidden around levels is a great idea. But instead of finding clever hiding spots for all of them, half are berried in the floor with know visual cue making them pretty Impossible without a guide. Or scouring every pixel of a level with rush search.

I think I've made it clear that megaman 7 has some problems but it's still a very good megaman game. Most of the levels are very well designed and have brisk pacing. A few stinkers like turbo man's stage, but gems like shade man's stage more then make up for it. Mixed with a very memorable final boss I'd still say this is one of the better megaman games.
02 Dec 2023
The movement is slow and this has one of the worst final bosses in any game I've played
01 Mar 2024
Underrated classic.
04 Feb 2025
Fun experience
13 Sep 2023
Good but not great
17 Jun 2023
Played: 5 hours 49 minutes
Level: Hard
Platform: Xbox (as a part of Mega Man Anniversary Collection)
19 Oct 2020
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