Mega Man X3

30 Nov 1995

New Nintendo 3DS Super Famicom Super Nintendo Entertainment System Wii U Legacy Mobile Device
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446 played
12 playing
27 reviews


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras


100% completion

4h 31m
Based on 4 answers

Mega Man X and his trusty partner Zero have a new force to reckon with. Who or what has caused a riot of Mavericks to break out in the experimental utopia known as Doppler Town? Named after the scientist reploid, Doppler Town was supposed to be a place where humans and reploids could live in harmony. After discovering a virus that was turning reploids to Mavericks, Doppler's anti-virus was a big success. But Doppler itself became infected with the virus and assembled a team to take out the Maverick Hunter Units. The Doppler Effect is about to unfold, with Mega Man X and Zero the only cure for the deadly virus!

I don't really care for x3.

Compared to the pure inevation of a stale formula that was x1, and the really intricate item game of x2. X3..... Has a very poorly implemented playable Zero. Finally zero. A character so cool who wouldn't want to play as him just hope you don't plan on dying anytime soon cause you only have one life as zero and if he dies, he dies. You can't play as him for the rest of that save, and trust me, you will die alot In this game. Damage has been slided up to 11 getting hit by any enemy will tank a quater of your life.

Looking past all that I mean, it's still a megaman X game. Decent level design, tight controls, fu-.... FINE bosses. It's good and all but defintly the worst of the original X trilogy
09 Dec 2023
Took forever too beat. Every enemy hits like a truck and the secrets they add are confusing and weird. It's ok but really time consuming
13 Aug 2023
Mais fraco da trilogia
27 Jul 2024
Apesar da dificuldade exagerada no começo, e dos infinitos respawns de inimigos, é um bom jogo. Possui uma trilha sonora maravilhosa e pra mim uma das melhores da franquia.
07 Sep 2024
Besto Game de megaman, uno de mis favoritos de la snes.
15 May 2024
Mais um ótimo jogo da série em seu auge, merece ser jogado por todos.
27 Apr 2024
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