
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order - Curse of the Vampire

30 Sep 2019

Nintendo Switch
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5.5 rating
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30 played
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2 reviews
Koei Tecmo Games



The first DLC in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Expansion Pass. The DLC adds 4 Marvel Knights characters: Blade, Moon Knight, Punisher and Morbius. It also adds Gauntlet Mode, an arena challenge mode that is used to unlock the new characters and has an endless version with a global leaderboard. The DLC was released alongside a free update that added Nightmare Mode, a token store called S.H.I.E.L.D. Depot and raised the character level cap to 150. Tokens can be used to unlock new costumes and voice lines as well as XP boosters, they are obtained from the Gauntlet and Nightmare modes

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Curse of the Vampire
Technical- 1/1
No technical issues

Gameplay- 0.5/2
Below Avergae/meh

Graphics- 1/2
All right

Story- 0.0/2
Terrible, no story

Enjoyment- 0.5/3
Below Avergae/meh

Totel- 3/10

Not a real DLC, just missions to fight things, it's just more repetition of completing rounds of enemy goons.
18 Oct 2021
Primo DLC di MUA3. Vengono aggiunti 4 personaggi scaricabili: il cacciatore di vampiri Blade, il giustiziere Punisher, il vampiro Morbius e il vigilante Moon Knight. La trama aggiuntiva è carina, niente di eccezionale, poiché il vero punto di forza sono i sopracitati combattenti nuovi, con moveset nuovi e divertenti da sperimentare.
26 Feb 2024