Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

21 Nov 2013

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox One
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7.0 rating
621 want
899 played
67 playing
23 reviews
Square Enix
Square Enix Business Division 1
Square Enix 1st Production Department
Square Enix
Square Enix


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 5 answers

As Lightning, it is your mission to save souls so they may be brought to a new world. However, with only thirteen days remaining, not everyone can be saved. Armed with all-new weapons, player customization and battle abilities, you are in a race against time to fully understand your destiny. It all ends here.

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On PC. Combat was a bit hard to get used to. Story was really nice especially with the added pressure of completing tasks and quests within the final few days. Added this sense of desperation and do as much as u can. I'm so proud I was able to do that final boss (albeit I watched a ton of how to videos).

Now that I've completed the game I am open to playing New Game Plus simply cuz I miss it a bit.
But also it was kinda stressful with the time mechanic I don't know if I can bring myself to play it yet.
29 Jan 2023
24 Nov 2021
My only dislike: The Zelda OoT-ish time limit feature.
16 Mar 2021
This is for the XBOX 360 version.
26 Apr 2020
اللعبة حلوه في البدايه وماشي تمام لكن من يوم وصلت لاخر رئيس اشوفه مستحيل افوز عليه من يوم بحثت طلع لازم العب المهمات الجانبيه والاساسيه كلهم عشان اطلع الاسلحه اللي تقتله مع اني لعبت مهمات جانبيه كثير لكن ما ينفع لازم تخلصهم كلهم المفروض تعطوني خبر او تنبيه او تخلون المهمات الجانبيه مثل الاساسية ما ينفع كذا لما اصل الرئيس الاخير الا ماعندي الاسلحه المطلوبه لازم اعيد اللعبه كلها عشان افوز على الرئيس سلامات
23 Feb 2023
Esta bien para terminar una trilogía que aunque no es la mejor le tengo mucho cariño a este juego
16 Nov 2023
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