Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez

29 Oct 2020

PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch
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N/A rating
17 want
17 played
4 playing
2 reviews
Natsume Atari
Daewon Media
Bandai Namco Entertainment



Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez is a much more evolved Kamen Rider experience than previous console titles. The player must battle while cleverly operating form changes and utilizing gadgets that have appeared in the Kamen Rider series.

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I really liked the game. It was cool to see the interactions between the cast and the combat was fun. The story wasn't too important, just facilitating the crossover. Switching forms on the fly was really fun, especially with W, though it was a bit lackluster with OOO, and really limited with Zero-One. The different forms' unique abilities add a cool bit of strategy.
27 Feb 2023
Kalau Judulnya Jadi "Kamen Rider W Season 2" atau judul Movie kamen rider(Kamen riderxKamen riderxKamen rider blablabla asdfhahjwhsbsja), Mungkin skornya gw kasih lebih tinggi.
At least gonta-ganti formnya asik. Makes you feel like The hit series Kamen rider W(2009)kamenriderooo(2010)kamenriderzeroone(2019).
11 Aug 2022