Inescapable: No Rules, No Rescue

19 Oct 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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N/A rating
34 want
12 played
3 playing
3 reviews
Dreamloop Games
Aksys Games



Inescapable is a social thriller set in a tropical island resort: you’ve been kidnapped and forced to participate in a twisted reality TV show with 10 strangers. At the end of their stay, they’ll each receive $500,000... If they survive.

I went in expecting a mystery game, so when I learned we were supposed to stay on the island for 6 months I started getting a very bad feeling. This game is slow, so slow, I’m 16 days in and nothings happening. I get that the pay offs going to come later in the game, but will it truly be worth the wait? Considering I still have time to return this game for a full refund I decided no. I’m not invested enough in the characters or the story to find out, nor am I bored enough to keep playing just to pass the time. I have no doubt the game will get better, this is all set up for that, I just don’t want to know enough to get past the no doubt necessary tedium. Plus the characters are ok, a little stereotyped but no doubt they’ll get fleshed out down the line. I could’ve done without them having voice catch phrases whenever they had dialogue, that was a bit annoying. They’d say something but it had nothing to do with their actual dialogue. Anyway, I feel bad but I’ve decided not to give this game a chance. Not when I have so many other games to play etc.
22 Oct 2023
Great characters, hilarious dialogue, but could really use a fifth "true ending" to tie up loose ends and tbh two of the endings are an unsatisfying waste of time. The other two? Fantastic. Loved them, needed just them and a true ending somewhere inbetween.
03 Mar 2024
No merece la pena. ¿Por qué?
- Historia trillada y, a pesar de ello, desaprovechada.
- Personajes muy exagerados, poco atractivos e interesantes. Es casi imposible congeniar con ellos o sentir empatía. Esto hace que, en definitiva, te de igual lo que les ocurra.
- Demasiado diálogo que no contribuye nada a la trama.
- A causa de lo anterior, el juego es excesivamente largo de forma innecesaria. Si se limitase a narrar o contar lo verdaderamente importante, su duración se vería drásticamente reducida.
- La mecánica de los días y su división en mañana, tarde y noche no termina de funcionar. Resulta "cansino".
A pesar de que me encantan las visual novels, la experiencia de juego ha resultado ser tan tediosa y aburrida que no he tenido valor para pasarme más que dos rutas (con mucho esfuerzo). Inescapable no te invita a continuar la trama y aún menos a probar otra de sus rutas. En resumen, ha sido una decepción.
09 Jan 2024
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