Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

07 Nov 2017

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4
8.5 rating
226 want
1786 played
100 playing
48 reviews
Guerrilla Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment



The Frozen Wilds contains additional content for Horizon Zero Dawn, including new storylines, characters and experiences in a beautiful but unforgiving new area.

All I can say is that I am glad I got the DLC. I was mesmerised by the snowy landscape and the tracks I left in the high snow more times than I'd thought. it was wonderful. I also really liked getting to know the Banuk more and that, if you play this before the finale in Zero Dawn, it is slightly tied-in. The story could have been a bit longer for my liking but it is still fine for a DLC. I liked it a lot.
08 Apr 2023
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds review

The Frozen Wilds is the first and only DLC expansion released for Guerilla's flagship PS4 single player adventure, and even in 2024 remains a worthy addition to Horizon franchises huge world.

Written by Tom Evans

It seems that Guerilla were under the impression that Aloy's first adventure was on the easy side, deciding to crank the difficulty up for their first DLC expansion. And it shows, considering the recommended level for the final quest in The Frozen Wilds is more than 15 higher than the main games counterpart. However this is clevery balanced out with a variety of new weapons and armour to be acquired accross the Frozen lands, and a brand new section of skill tree for the player to fill out.

All enemies are bigger and tougher, not just the brand new machines that Aloy encounters most notably the Fire/Frostclaw, one of the players biggest challenges yet. The thicker layers of snow, ice caves, and frost based parkour challenges are the largest changes we see in the physical environment, which left me somewhat underwhelmed as this isn't too disimilar from some aspects of the coldest areas of the main map.

Considering it's a DLC The Frozen Wilds does dish out a good chunk of new story content, which if you enjoyed the main story you're bound to enjoy this as well. I won't get into spoilers, but in some aspects it hits just as hard emotionally, if not more than the main storyline of Zero Dawn. Overall, The Frozen Wilds is definitely a good addition to the Horizon series, and certainly justified it's £16 price tag.
08 Jan 2024
Better quests than the original. Still kinda mid.
26 Nov 2023
Nice dlc. Gave me a challenge post story missions and added longevity and weapons too. More machines to kill as well but the leveling up came too easy. One of my favorite dlcs though.
02 Oct 2023
the bears are epic... actually every machine in this game is epic
22 Jul 2021
Pretty dookie dlc imo. Maybe I took too long of a gap playing this and the original so by the time I played this I wasn’t as involved, but I got pretty bored fast
19 Jun 2024
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