Hi-Fi Rush

25 Jan 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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8.6 rating
3955 want
5545 played
829 playing
528 reviews
Tango Gameworks
Bethesda Softworks


Time to beat

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Main story

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Main story + extras

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100% completion

61h 30m
Based on 9 answers

As wannabe rockstar Chai, you’ll fight back against a sinister robotics enhancement conglomerate using rhythm-amplified combat where everything – from the motion in the environment to the blows of combat – is synced to the music.

Hi-Fi Rush is like my dream game come true. It's got everything I love and want in a video game. A music based action game with some rhythm platforming, and amazing artstyle and great writing.

Back in 2022, I reviewed a game called No Straight Roads. That game had potential to be one of my favourites, but there were a lot of flaws due to the budget of the game, and the very janky gameplay and somewhat cringe writing. Hi-Fi rush is like if someone listened to the complaints I had about No Straight Roads and made a perfect game.

One of my favourite things in the world outside of gaming is music, and when you meld those two together, it's like a personal treat for me. This is why I love rhythm games. But also one of my favourite video game genres are action platformers. Now what Tango softworks have done here is meld a rhythm game with an action platformer, but also went above and beyond with making a AAA tile with a superb art style and humorous writing.

What blows my mind is everything in this game is tied to the metronome beat. Your jumps, your attacks, enemy attacks, the environment. You need to absolutely play this with headphones as you will be bopping your head all the way through.

The setting is inspired by Astro boy, one of my favourite settings ever. And the premise of the game is a parody of modern corporations, which is very Ratchet and Clank and humor that I can relate to. The cell shaded artstyle makes these environments POP and it is a crime we don't have more games looking like this.

The combat is like a high level action game. Something akin to Devil May Cry, but not as complex obviously. There are lots of complex combos here but the meat of the combat is tied to presses to the beat. If timed well, you will be rewarded with bonus combos and more damage + points. It's one of those systems that are easy to pick up, but hard to master. And once you do master the combat, it just flows so perfectly.

In between combat are exploration platforming sections, which is just as fun as the combat itself. If you time your jumps and dashes to the beat, you are awarded with further travel which gives you access to more rewards. Everything about the gameplay is perfect.

The story is really good and takes you through the different departments of a corporation. All being parodied. The game never failed to make me laugh when it intended to. The characters are oozing with personality, and they're all lovable.

The game itself is just overflowing with personality. It was made with love and passion, rather than having profit in mind and you can easily tell.

Hi-Fi Rush is the first game I can say feels like you are actually playing a musical. The best way to put it is this is exactly the video game equivilant of the movie Baby Driver or one of those musical scenes in an Edgar Wright movie. Every action in custcene and gameplay matches the best the whole way through. It is one of the most impressive games I have ever played and one of my favourite games of all time.
03 Jan 2024
You can pet the cat :D
28 Apr 2023
لعبة صنعت بشغف. جمعت بين ستايل هاك اند سلاش والإيقاع وطلع لنا منتج نهائي مصقول. العالم والشخصيات رهيبين بعد.

This game was made with passion. Combined Hack'n'Slash with Rythm genres and delivered a polished final product. Cool world and characters too.
31 Jan 2023
This is without doubt the best shadow drop of all time. Shades of Jet Set Radio and Sunset Overdrive. We need more joyful games like this!
05 Feb 2023
Pefect combination of rhythm and hack n slash game. Love the cartoony artstyle and the funny story and dialog. Even though the story having more of a lighter tone, it still have great character development.

The level design are great, each bosses have different battle mechanics and does not reuse the same mechanics too much, so it does not feel repetitive.

The game does not punish people with bad sense of rhythm, but rewards those who do.

And the final boss battle is epic
12 Feb 2023
great game, the CGI animation is perfectly done, the combats synced with rhythms!!
sweet characters ✨️ Amazing 9,5/10
10 Feb 2023
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