Flashback: The Quest for Identity

01 Dec 1992

Amiga Philips CD-i Super Nintendo Entertainment System Sega CD Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Acorn Archimedes Mac Atari Jaguar DOS 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
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3.5 rating
38 want
141 played
9 playing
8 reviews
Delphine Software
Tiertex Design Studios
U.S. Gold
Tec Toy


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100% completion

11h 53m
Based on 1 answers

Throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented political and economic crisis afflicted Earth, leading to the systematic disabling of it's programme to conquer outer space through lack of funding. The highest priority now was to carryout research into new energy sources, preservation of the enviro- ment and maintenance of the cultural heritage. However, at the dawn of the 21st century, provision of considerable funds from an unknown source released by the politicians of the new, unified government, permitted a return to the space research programme. The conquest began gradually with the construction of huge, manned artificial satellites. Several lunar bases were created with the view to becoming future Earth colonies within the solar system. The considerable advancements made together with the supply of increasingly greater sums of money allowed man to explore, even as far as the planet Titan. You play the part of Conrad Hart, controlling his every move through the 6 levels of the game. During your quest, you will come across many different friends and foes whom you may wish to help or vanquish using your gun. you will have to complete many challenges in order to restore your lost memory. Each level features its own unique graphics and hazards, linked by cinematic animation sequences.

Gripping story but a bit short.
19 Jun 2023
Walkthrough time: 11 hours 53 minutes
Platform: iOS/iPad Mini (as Flashback Mobile)
05 Jan 2022
Delphine Software Cinematique Collection 1
11 Mar 2024
Flashback, çığır açan başarılarına rağmen hem güçlü hem de eksik yönleri olan öncü bir sinematik platform oyunudur. Grafiksel olarak, rotoskoplu animasyon, kahramanı Conrad B. Hart'a akıcı hareketler ve ayrıntılı ortamlarla hayat vererek görsel olarak çekici bir deneyim yaratıyor. Atmosferik müzik, fütüristik ambiyansı geliştirerek oyuncuları diğer dünya ortamına çekiyor. Bununla birlikte, oyunun dik zorluk eğrisi ve zaman zaman hantal kontrolleri oyuncuları hayal kırıklığına uğratabilir, hassas platform ve dövüşü gereğinden fazla zorlaştırabilir. Hafıza kaybı ve distopik bir komplo etrafında şekillenen anlatı, deneyime derinlik katıyor. Kusurlarına rağmen Flashback, platform türüne katkıları ve anlatı odaklı oynanışıyla dikkate değer bir oyun.

Flashback is a pioneering cinematic platformer that, despite its groundbreaking achievements, carries both strengths and shortcomings. Graphically, the rotoscoped animation brings protagonist Conrad B. Hart to life with fluid movements and detailed environments, creating a visually appealing experience. The atmospheric music enhances the futuristic ambiance, immersing players in the otherworldly setting. However, the game's steep difficulty curve and occasionally clunky controls can frustrate players, making precise platforming and combat more challenging than necessary. The narrative, centered around memory loss and a dystopian conspiracy, adds depth to the experience. Despite its flaws, Flashback is a noteworthy title for its contributions to the platformer genre and narrative-driven gameplay.
09 Jan 2024
Saustarkes Spiel oder sollte man eher Spiel-Film sagen? DAS waren Animationen...dazu mal eine Story die einen sofort in den Bann zog und nicht so hahnebüchen daherkam wie bei anderen Games.Der Protagonist mit seinem Wer-bin-ich-und-was-mach hier?-Syndrom, einfach klasse!! Edel inszenierte Zwischensequenzen und abgedrehte Spielorte wie die TV-Show nach "Running Man"-Prinzip begeisterten.Trotzallem, das fetteste an diesem gelungenen Spiel und unbestritten, diese Animationen, alleine wie der leicht verwirrte Conrad seine Waffe zog das hochhiefen an höhergelegenen Stellen oder auch die Rolle vorwärts einfach nur Delphine Softwares.Flashback sollte man nicht verpasst haben.
30 Dec 2023
Hit à faire !
12 Aug 2023
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