Expanded game

Final Fantasy XII International: Zodiac Job System

07 Aug 2007

PlayStation 2
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3 reviews
Square Enix Product Development Division 4
Square Enix


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The game takes place in the fictional location of Ivalice, where the empires of Archadia and Rozarria are waging an endless war. Dalmasca, a small kingdom, is caught between the warring nations. When Dalmasca becomes annexed by Archadia, its princess, Ashe, creates a resistance movement. During the struggle, she meets Vaan, a young adventurer who dreams of commanding an airship. They are quickly joined by a band of allies; together, they rally against the tyranny of the Archadian Empire. In this new version of XII, there are 12 different layouts of the license board based on different jobs you can give the characters, opening up a whole new level of complexity to add to the epic show-stopper. Other goodies include a 16:9 view mode that enables widescreen viewing and a new bonus DVD.

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FXII with all its majesty, plus a job system to make it more tactical and give distinct flavor to the playable characters, lovely.
22 Aug 2022
Uma aula de como fazer um jogo, simplesmente primoroso, um detalhe que pode agradar uns e apavorar outros é a complexidade das coisas, um pequeno erro na construção de uma build pode destruir seus planos, jogo recheado de segredos, alguns tão secretos que vc nem sonharia em descobrir sem um guia, como o sistema de craft, poxa eu n sabia que existia até metade pra o final do jogo, mas essa questão n é relevante o suficiente pra me fazer abaixar a minha nota nem em um décimo.

Com certeza foi um dos melhores, colado ali com suikoden II
14 Jul 2024
Uy pase horas jugando esto, gracias a la modalidad de acelerar el juego no fue tedioso farmear, prota medio Monse pero cumpl.
03 Jan 2024