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Final Fantasy VI Advance

30 Nov 2006

Game Boy Advance Wii U
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8.8 rating
132 want
296 played
27 playing
10 reviews
Square Enix Product Development Division 7
Square Enix


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Based on 1 answers

Final Fantasy VI Advance is more than a simple port of the SNES classic: every aspect of the games has been reviewed and enhanced. Additionally, a host of brand-new elements has been seamlessly merged with the original game, providing unexpected surprises for longtime fans. With new dungeons, new job classes, and other exciting features, both old-school players and newcomers can enjoy this genre-defining FINAL FANTASY title in a portable format.

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This game's only flaw is coming out right before FFVII. On it's own, it's a good game, the characters are unique and their relationships interesting, the story is alright and the gameplay is everything you'd expect out of a Final Fantasy game.
But with the power of hindsight, everything this game does, VII does it better, you can even make direct comparisons between characters, mechanics, events, etc. and VII does it better every single time.
I enjoyed the game, I really did, and it's a really good Final Fantasy game but, in my opinion, it's completely eclipsed by its successor.
05 Mar 2025
The definitive version of this masterpiece, the only issue is a downgraded quality soundtrack because of the system, but even with that we have the same excellent game with some adittions like Super Bosses, Espers and other things, the best version to play.
08 Jan 2022
Final Fantasy VI, foi o jogo que eu mais gostei da franquia, e continua sendo o meu favorito.
07 Oct 2023
Fechando o ano com chave de ouro.
Meu primeiro contato com a série principal de FF e creio q tenha sido a melhor escolha começar pelo sexto título, esse jogo é tão incrível que nem consigo descrever o quão gratificante foi essa jornada, e o boss final é surreal agora entendo quando dizem ser o melhor vilão da série. Obrigatório para os fãs de JRPG.
29 Dec 2024
Meu Final Fantasy favorito amo demais esse game
08 Feb 2024
La versione Advance di un titolo già perfetto.

Pur non avendo la stessa potenza dello SNES (e si nota, sopratutto nel reparto audio), Final Fantasy VI Advance è un porting quasi perfetto che traspone l'opera di Sakaguchi e Nomura anche sulla console casalinga di Nintendo.

Inutile che vi parli del gioco. Ha fatto la storia, il 90% dei JRPG moderni non esisterebbe senza Final Fantasy VI!

Piccola nota: pur essendo "inferiore" a livello tecnico, Final Fantasy VI Advance offre diverse sfide e dungeon aggiuntivi per chi vuole "grindare ancora un pò".
20 Aug 2024
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