Final Fantasy IV Advance

12 Dec 2005

Wii U Game Boy Advance
7.8 rating
50 want
144 played
10 playing
5 reviews
Square Enix Product Development Division 7
Square Enix



Final Fantasy IV Advance is largely based on the WonderSwan Color version. Some changes include the addition of character portraits in text boxes, the ability to switch party members, increased difficulty, and new dungeons with new items and weapons along with new bosses. The script received a re-translation more faithful to the original material. The Quicksave, which allows the player to save the current position (regardless of where) in a file that is deleted upon loading, is featured.

An Enhanced version of SNES version with new dungeons and new enemies adding more background to the characters.
08 Jan 2022
Play as the famed dragoons in this heartwrenching series.
16 Feb 2021
A mi parecer está versión es mejor que la original de Snes, además que agrega nuevo contenido
02 May 2022
Personagens ótimos e enredo mega interessante, gosto como a equipe vai mudando ao longo do jogo, fazendo você mudar as estratégias.
Rydia melhor personagem!
24 Sep 2023
Просто ТОП игра! Интересный сюжет, нормальная система прокачки, можно играть спокойно и на эмуляторе ! 10/10 Final Fantasy однозначно уникальный и хороший мир ! Это первая финалка в которую я играю и очень понравилось что начал с неё !
04 Jul 2020
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