
Final Fantasy

28 Jul 2021

PC (Microsoft Windows) Android iOS PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch Xbox Series X|S
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8.8 rating
364 want
992 played
85 playing
53 reviews
Square Enix Creative Business Unit IV
Square Enix


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

16h 30m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

18h 41m
Based on 18 answers

The original Final Fantasy comes to life with completely new graphics and audio! A remodeled 2D take on the first game in the world-renowned Final Fantasy series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics.

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Man I had so much fun playing this game. I decided to pickup the Pixel Remasters since I’ve been wanting to get into jrpgs. Before playing the game, I had heard that the game had no story and characters, so I was prepared for that, but it’s the reason I can “only” give it a 6. Outside of that, there are no complaints for this game. The QoL features makes the game playable by adding features like encounter on/off and xp multiplier, which would’ve made the game unplayable to me if not for those factors. This may have also been one of the best looking and most charming game I’ve played in a long time.
31 Jan 2025
Okay, this one was a big surprise for me, I've tryed to play this one so many times in different platforms, and this time I've played for real, and Iove this game. It was an amazing experience, play this one makes me feel more and more connect with Final Fantasy franchise and I am new in this games. 100% approved!
18 Feb 2024
Played this in the pixel remaster collection it was alright, there are definitely way better Final Fantasy games,
the final boss was an absolute nightmare to beat and after several attempts I persevered and beat the game.
09 Jan 2024
Classic old school JRPG games, with many QoL improvement that makes game more enjoyable, most notably the auto battle, so that you don't have to mash single button when grinding, and autosave so that you would not lose all your grinding progress when you get one shot by the enemy. Difficulty also rebalanced making for more enjoyable playing experience.
The game also have options to choose between remastered or classic version of fonts, graphics, and music, which is very nice for those who want to experience close to the original.
Combat and story are pretty basic, one that you would expect from an old school JRPG. Music is still beautiful, either the original or the remastered version.
20 Jun 2023
I enjoy modern games where they give you guidance towards what you're supposed to do and where you're supposed to go. But yea, this was fun! A fantastic start to a fantastic franchise!
03 Nov 2024
The first Final Fantasy game I have beaten and one that I enjoyed thoroughly. It has a certain charm to it that is hard to find in other games a mix of classic NES simplicity with fantasy tropes seen in almost every game. All in all a very fun game to get introduced to the series with.
21 Oct 2024
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