Fighting Force

31 Oct 1997

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation PlayStation 3 Sega Saturn PlayStation Portable PlayStation Vita
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N/A rating
53 want
432 played
12 playing
11 reviews
Core Design
Eidos Interactive
Square Enix
Electronic Arts Victor



Fighting Force players control one of four characters. They move through urban and science fiction environments, battling waves of oncoming enemies with weapons ranging from fists and bottles to knives, chairs and guns. The player can make some choices as to which territory to travel through. The four characters have various reasons for taking on Dr. Zeng, a criminal mastermind with an army at his command. The action starts with a police cordon around Zeng's office skyscraper, moving to such locales as a shopping mall, subway and Coast Guard base before finally ending at the top of Zeng's island headquarters.

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It was a great fighting game at its time. every character has it's own powers and special moves and techniques.
21 Jan 2021
Mindless beat em up
17 Dec 2023
I played this game when I was young and always enjoyed it but found it incredibly challenging. A year or two ago I played again with my buddy while having a few beers, we completed it pretty easily, was incredibly satisfying, way ahead of it's time I would say.
03 Aug 2022
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