Replaying this one in 2022, still holds up well. Great nostalgic feeling, love all the clickables and music. Had fun sharing my cabbage and cake creations with my friends.
لعبة من العاب الطفولة التي لعبتها مرة ثانية بعد ما كبرت وحنيت لألعاب الماضي. اذا نظرت لها بموضوعية فهي لعبة اطفال مملة، حتى بمعايير زمنها لم تكن جيدة، و لكن عندي لها الكثير من الذكريات الجميلة! ما اعتقد انني بلعبها مرة ثانية. يمكن بعد ٢٥ سنة اخرى اشتاق لها. بعض الاشياء احسن لها تبقى في عالم الذكريات. ❤️
One of my childhood games that I played again after I grew up and yearned for the games of my past. If I look at it objectivity, it is a boring children's game even according to that time’s standards, but I have a lot of fond memories playing it. I don’t think I’ll touch it again, well maybe after another 25 years I might. Some things are best left as fond memories. ❤️