Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure

07 Aug 2019

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Nintendo Switch
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7.0 rating
54 want
56 played
6 playing
3 reviews
Stuck In Attic
Stuck In Attic


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100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a comedy point 'n click love letter to classic-era Lucas adventures, HP Lovecraft, Hitchcock and many, many others. A lighthearted spoof of the Cthulhu Mythos, Gibbous will have you controlling 3 protagonists, dealing with strange cultists, ancient voodoo, and Dead Cthulhu himself. Well, "dead" is just a matter of opinion... Everything revolves around the dreaded Necronomicon and how it affects the protagonists' lives. Grizzled detective Don R. Ketype wants it because he always gets his man (or book); and easy going, easy living librarian Buzz Kerwan stumbles upon it and accidentally transforms his cat, Kitteh, into a talking abomination, thus setting on a quest to return her back to cathood.

HOW IS THAT THE ENDING?! There like, "This is the cat character. Here's their personality, traits, and characteristics. Now let's have them do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what their character would actually do." The game itself is pretty well made, but I can't look past that ending and the terrible character building / writing that lead to it.
30 Dec 2023
Un des meilleurs point and click que j'ai pû faire depuis longtemps !

Les énigmes ne sont pas impossibles et font généralement du sens

L'humour et les petites références font bien plaisir 🤗
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