The Secret of Monkey Island

01 Oct 1990

DOS Mac Amiga Atari ST/STE Sega CD FM Towns
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8.0 rating
177 want
624 played
20 playing
9 reviews
Lucasfilm Games
JVC Musical Industries
Lucasfilm Games



I cursed my luck again as I slid down the monkey's throat. Have my dreams of guzzling grog and plundering galleons been reduced to this? "Three small trials and you're a pirate like us," they said. Fair enough. If only I could stomach the foul brew these scurvy seadogs swilled, the rest would be easy. How could I have known I'd meet a powerful and beautiful woman with a jealous suitor too stupid to realize he'd been dead for years? And how can I crawl through this great stone monkey to find a man who walks three inches above the ground and sets fire to his beard every morning? Do business with quaint and humble shopkeepers. Participate in complex and meaningful dialogues. Visit interesting places and steal stuff. Experience the never-ending nightlife of Melee Island.

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This game is pure nostalgia.
This is what I would have said if i didn't live in iran but unfortunately I experienced this at 19.
I don't have a complain about story nor the gameplay, everything was perfect and weirdly cute. I just personally think a lot of puzzles were hard and at some points frustrating
20 Feb 2024
One of my favorites from the point and click era.
02 Jan 2024
One of my favorite games.
A graphic adventure 10/10, funny, thrilling and enjoyable.
If you want to play a different type of games, try this.
13 Nov 2023
due sole cose: "cosa cazzo devo fare mo?" e "MADO I PIRATI CHE FIGHI".
08 Aug 2024
Muy entretenido! Lo jugué de pequeño pero no me lo pasé. Ya de adulto algunos puzzles son más evodentes, aunque algunos siguen siendo muy puñeteros. Muy recomendable para todos los amantes de las aventuras gráficas.
14 Apr 2024
WAAAAAAAAAAAHNSINN. So ein fettes "Rundumpaket" wie der Witz und Charme sowie Story rund um Guybrush Threepwood wirds wohl nie mehr geben.Der Humor,einfach grossartig. Man MUSSTE das Spiel bis zum Ende durchzocken, wer wollte schon auf so ein fantastisches Abenteuer verzichten. Die grossen Stärken des Spiel liegen eindeutig im Humor und bei der abgefahrenen Story.Hut ab.DAS ist ein Juwel!! Wer es nicht gezockt hat ,rate ich nachholen!
14 Dec 2023
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