
19 Aug 2019

PC (Microsoft Windows) iOS PlayStation 4
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7.2 rating
336 want
1558 played
67 playing
89 reviews
Sony Interactive Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 10 answers

Immerse yourself in an interactive live-action thriller which puts you at the heart of the mystery. Delve into Erica’s past as you piece together the shocking truth behind her father’s death. Face the consequences of your actions as you influence how the narrative unfolds and arrive at multiple alternative endings. Reach into the world by interacting with clues using your DualShock 4 wireless controller or the Erica app for iOS and Android.

slide 1 to 4 of 7
‌         Erica
✪ {ᏚᏟᏒᏫᎬ : 4.6}
…   …………….

• Story : 2.6
~ the story felt like it was just there to be there, didn't try to be anything special, yet it didn't know what it was trying to be. kept jumping from point to point without any reason but simply to progress. All 6 endings were extremely dull and expeted. feels wired saying this because it's bad at the only thing it should've been good at.

𐄁 Acting : 5.8
~ some were good, some average, and some below average. the girls in the hospital, especially Tobi were the best ones.
𐄁 Characters : 6.6
𐄁 Pacing : 6.4
𐄁 Immersion : 6.0
𐄁 Intensity : 6.7

• Choices : 3.8
~ tho some of the choices do leave a bigger impact on a short term basis. there's nothing that'll drastically make any difference in the story, almost all the choices are a matter of whether you'll get to see the full thing or you'll just skip some of it. almost all of them leave a dissapointly small impact.

• interactive Mechanics : 6.7
~ it was interesting to think about how they did it the first couple of times, but after that it's just more of the same.

• Cinematography : 8.3
𐄁 Environment Design : 7.6

• SoundTrack : 6.9

𐄁 Accessibility : -
𐄁 Replayability : 1.0
~ it's fun the first time. the second time is okay if you go the completely opposite route. but my god after second playthrough it becomes one of the most unbearable things you'll ever do. by then the whole thing feels like a very very very long unskipable cutscene. if you wanna play this game, once is enough, i don't even suggest a second playthrough honestly.
𐄁 Trophies : 1.6
~ it has one the worst trophy lists EVER. at bare minimum you're required to do the whole thing at least 5 times, and that's IF you follow a step by step guide and don't make mistakes, also assuming you're following the guide from the very first playthrough which no one does. I had to beat it 7 fucking times to get the platinum and god did i want to blow my brains out by the end. not because it was hard, but because it was the most boring thing to do, ever. it's not like it has a chapter select or a branch system you can choose where to continue from.
anyway, if you're thinking about platinuming this game, do yourself a favor and just don't :(
I've never deleted a game so fast after finishing it.

…   ……………….

𐄁 Do i recommend this game? I guess it's worth trying once [and only once] if you have ps plus and it's free, but i wouldn't pay money for it. honestly watching a playthrough of it on YouTube is the same as playing it, because all the choices lead to the same thing anyway.
𐄁 Did it meet my expectations? No.

…    ……………………

- Platforms : PS4 Pro
- First Playthrough : 24.6.23
𐄁 Finished at : 24.6.23
𐄁 Playtime : 1h 56′
- Beaten : 7 fucking times
- Trophy Progress : 100℅
⟆⟅ | Platinumed on 29.6.23
24 Jun 2023
Fun. But lazy.
13 Mar 2023
Most excited game But it does not allow me to return from a specific area
12 Feb 2023
I didn't enjoy this game. Though i've finished it, I couln't get myself into it.
25 Jul 2023
I love how it plays through like a movie with real people and the camera angles are done in a real world setting representing that whole game sequence at the same time ^-^ so I do like that, doing something a bit different. The colors are nice to boot

Some decisions and actions felt a bit off and a bit questionable but overall I suppose it was okay. No where near top tier level amongst decision based games, more like a toddler amongst a sea of sharks but differently not the diaper of crap that the toddler leaves behind. So yeah XD my opinion, tadaaaa. Good for a once over playthrough but I wouldnt bother playing it again for another ending. But to be fair, I dont even like doing that for much better games 💀
26 Jun 2023
Not a game
18 May 2023
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