Dynasty Warriors: Origins

17 Jan 2025

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.6 rating
521 want
193 played
82 playing
21 reviews
Omega Force
Koei Tecmo


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

22h 30m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Experience an unrivaled sense of realism on the battlefield, fueled by exhilarating 1 vs. 1,000 action and the rush of massive armies! A nameless hero conquers the turbulent and chaotic Three Kingdoms in this latest DYNASTY WARRIORS series entry.

Please ignore the xbox tag unfortunately being in a contract with a rich friend who can afford the newest games includes me having to use his main console to play them because he wants a fridge console instead of Sony's consoles. The world has to spin anyways😩

As someone whose experience with the Dynasty Warriors series is limited to a few titles from the PlayStation 2 era which I never played on the ps2 per say but I played them on the PC and back then I had a real shitty pc so the game was hella laggy but I thought it was a work of art. As i was playing this i felt a mix of nostalgia and curiosity. The franchise’s formulate of hack and slash beat em up combat was always intriguing, but I often found the gameplay repetitive and the narratives hard to follow. However this game has resurrected the series in a way that not only captivated me but also made me appreciate the evolution of this type of gaming genre

Unlike previous instalments that featured a sprawling cast of characters the story in this is based on just a single character. This narrative choice provides a more focused and personal storyline, letting me focus more on this game because the lore itself is so overwhelming. The game offers a reliable and immersive experience that is both durable and intriguing.

The main concept of this franchise has always been its large-scale battles and this elevates this with modernised combat mechanics. The introduction of parrying and dodging adds a strategic layer, making encounters more dynamic and less of a button-mashing situation. Each weapon type offers unique combos and abilities giving you a chance to experiment to see which type of combat style fits you as the player. It makes the game feel refreshing.

The devs definitely used the power of modern hardware to their advantage and it payed off. This game delivers impressive visuals that bring ancient Chinese battlefields to life. The sheer number of on-screen enemies can feel intimidating, yet the game maintains smooth performance, making sure that the combat remains smooth even during the most chaotic casualties. The character models and environments are richly detailed, improving the overall experience.

It is an excellent entry point. The streamlined narrative, combined with tutorials and adjustable difficulty settings, ensures that even those who are casual players or interested in exploring games like this can jump in and enjoy the experience. The game strikes a balance between honouring its legacy and welcoming new players, making it a standout title in the franchise.
16 Feb 2025
Dynasty Warriors Origins was my first game of the franchise.And the first time I charged into battle, cutting down waves of enemies like a one-man army, I was hooked. The sheer scale, the chaos, the thrill, it was pure dopamine. But then, as the hours passed, the realization crept in. This was it. The same battles, the same loop, from the first clash to the final war. Fun? Absolutely. But once the hype wore off, all that remained was repetition dressed in different armor.

The story is alright. Nothing groundbreaking, but it does the job. The real problem is the cutscene, soulless, stiff delivery, lifeless expressions, moments that should hit hard but barely leave a scratch.

And heads up, there’s a difficulty spike in a boss fight in Chapter 3, so best be ready. There’s also level gating, meaning you’ll need to grind to progress. It’s not too bad, but if that kind of thing turns you off, just know it’s there. I wasn’t happy about it, but it didn’t hurt my experience much.

The game is fun, no doubt. But if you can’t stomach the grind, the loop, the weight of doing the same thing over and over, walk away.
07 Feb 2025
It was my 1st experience with dynasty warriors, honestly at first i didnt think i like it, now im glad i played it if there was character creation and more cloth customization it would be better. Addicting gameplay with good graphic and musics made it a worthy game.
20 Jan 2025
Eng below

وصلت الشابتر الخامس و م قدرت استحمل أكثر من كذا، قعدت ع اللعبه 33س استمتعت فيها لكن يالله قد ايش تصبح ممله والله طفشت طفشت منها قاعد العبها لمده 33س وللان باقي بنص اللعبه اللعبه طويله جدا بالنسبه لي ماعندي الطاقه او الوقت لها.

لعبه رائعه استمعت بالقيمبلاي كثيرا. شخصيات ممتازين وحوارات رائعه جدا جدا، لكن لم اعد مهتم بالقصه.

والي امغصني أكثر هو بانه م عندك الحريه في انهاء معركه. اللعبه كامله تعتمد ع المهمه المطلوب عليك ويالله لو المهمه
هذي انك تحمي شخصيه، الموضوع يصبح لا يطاق والله

يصير لازم تقعد ورا ظهره او بيموت لو تركته لحاله لكم ثانيه بيموت وبتعيد المهمه من جديد. والمصيبه الأكبر انهم م يهيلون نفسهم (احيانا يهيلون، لك اكثر الأوقات لا) والموضوع يجيب الغثاء ويرفع الضغط.

واخيرا في نهاية الشابتر ال 5 في دروبات شنيعه فريماتي نزل من 80 لين 15 و ماقدر اسوي اي شي او غير بالاعدادات لين اخرج من المهمه وارجع للقائمه الرئيسيه واغير الاعدادت يالله قد ايش الموضوع يقهر بالله يعني والله نحنا ب 2025

وش يمنعك بان تخليني اغير الاعدادات والجوده وقت م ابي!

I reached Chapter 5 and just couldn't stand it. I put 33 hours into it i enjoyed it but goddamn, it gets so boring. I just got tired of it. I'm at 33 hours and still haven't finished the story. The game is just too long for me, and I don't have the energy or time for it.

Great game I enjoyed the gameplay a lot. Great characters and dialogues, but I'm just not interested in the story anymore.

And what frustrated me is that you don't have the freedom to finish a battle your way. The whole game depends on objectives, and god, if the objective is protecting a character, it's so fucking annoying. You have to stick with them, or they'll die, and then you have to replay the mission. They don't even heal themselves (sometimes they do, but most of the time, they don't), and it's fucking frustrating.

Also, at the end of Chapter 5, there's a lot of frame drops. My FPS goes from 80 to 15, and I can't do shit. I can't even lower the settings without going back to the menu. Man, I just can't take it anymore.
27 Jan 2025
as someone said, it is lawnmower simuator
10 Feb 2025
I am a long time fan of dynasty warriors and they completely revamped everything. I had so much fun playing through all three kingdoms
07 Feb 2025
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