Driver: San Francisco

02 Sep 2011

Wii PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Mac
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8.2 rating
434 want
2018 played
83 playing
65 reviews
Ubisoft Reflections
Ubisoft Entertainment


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

9h 37m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

14h 46m
100% completion icon

100% completion

23h 29m
Based on 10 answers

The game takes place a few months after the events of Driv3r. It is revealed that both Tanner and Jericho survived the shootout in Istanbul. In the game's trailer, it is revealed that since then, both men have recovered and Jericho has escaped to San Francisco, while Tanner has pursued him there. Jericho is shown being transported in the back of a prison truck, but manages to escape with a vial of acid hidden within his mouth. He overpowers the guards, and hijacks the truck. Tanner and Tobias witness this from Tanner's car, pursuing Jericho as he causes havoc on the streets of the city. Tanner ends up in front of Jericho in an alleyway, and gets pushed in front of a tractor trailer. A hard crash occurs, putting him into a coma. The game will take place in Tanner's coma dream

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This one need remastered & this game is underrated
16 Aug 2021
Such a cool and untouched concept. It's a real shame this game didn't have a good reception, certainly some of the most fun I've had in a driving game.
19 Jul 2021
I m the Driver,i Drift minds.
This game is unique and so underrated,its like the hidden gem of Ubisoft.
Developers really put so much passion in creating this one.
This is my favourite racing game of all time,not because I like racing games,its the mechanics and how you can break it with other people minds.
31 Jan 2024
26 Jun 2022
The story is short, and packed with action and 2010-era cheesy dialogue that brings back a lot of nostalgia. The side quests are fun at first, but they do become repetitive over time.

The car-jumping mechanic, feels like a breath of fresh air, it’s something you don’t see in other driving games. The handling is also quite realistic, with the cars responding just as you’d expect.

The graphics, while outdated by today’s standards, were impressive for their time. Thirteen years ago, this was one of the best-looking games on the market.
16 Jun 2024
crazy story with some pretty neat mechanics
28 Dec 2023
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