Need for Speed: Most Wanted

30 Oct 2012

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
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8.5 rating
639 want
5805 played
288 playing
129 reviews
Criterion Games
Electronic Arts


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100% completion

33h 18m
Based on 15 answers

Need for Speed: Most Wanted takes on the gameplay style of the first Most Wanted title in the Need for Speed franchise. Most Wanted allows players to select one car and compete against other racers in three types of events: Sprint races, which involves traveling from one point of the city to another, Circuit races, each having two or three laps total and Speed runs, which involve traversing through a course in the highest average speed possible. There is also the Ambush races, which start with the player surrounded by cops and tasked to evade their pursuit as quickly as possible.

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unpopular opinion: mw 2012 was gas but should've been named differently.
18 Feb 2023
The most beautiful Graphics of the generation, but this games has serious lack of content, progression, the blacklist was changed, we only have 10 cars go beat up, and to add more 5, we need dlc, as the mostly of iconic cars that we find, all dlc. The playability it's awesome, i really love to drive into the city, bit it has no sense and objetive at all, and no progression and the customization it's almost zero, we have body kits and performance pieces, but we need to play the same damn races to unlock the same part at diferent cars that we find in the map, with no currency to make us feel like we're getting better on the progression. the pursuits are very tense, but nothing dinamic like the hot pursuit series, sometimes pisses me off but it's not about me, its about the difficult, but is still weak. I only gave 7 because of the great playability, the graphics and the user soundtrack option, that kinda carried this game for me.
gameplay: 9
soundtrack: 10
graphics: 10
sense of progression: 1
customization: 2
pursuits: 5
races: 4
content : 2
my overall: 5
11 Nov 2022
a racing game where driving fast gets punished by stupid map and trafic design. Also, cops can catch you even if you’re going 400 kmh because why not.
03 Jan 2025
Very mid racing game
14 Sep 2024
Nice gameplay, but not good settings
04 Jul 2024
Someone said to for this game, and that was damn true! "Just Grab the car, hit that nitrous and ride your life...". 2012 Based Good Graphics, around 65-80 Cars (Inc DLCs), sizzling streets, makes the Most Wanted at its own niche and half-inspired from 2005 Insantiation.

Worth to Play!

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Expanded Size: 6.34GB
11 Mar 2024
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