Dragon's Dogma II

22 Mar 2024

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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9.1 rating
3935 want
1462 played
458 playing
115 reviews


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras

54h 19m

100% completion

93h 36m
Based on 36 answers

Dragon's Dogma is a single player, narrative driven action-RPG that challenges players to choose their own experience – from the appearance of their Arisen, their vocation, their party, how to approach different situations and more. On your journey, you’ll be joined by Pawns, mysterious otherworldly beings, in an adventure so unique you will feel as if accompanied by other players while on your own adventure. All of these elements are elevated further by the latest in graphics, artificial intelligence (AI) and physics technology to create a truly immersive fantasy world in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragons Dogma 2 succeeds in taking the foundation of the first game to a next level, whether in the diversity of it's playing styles or with how interactive the world and environment is, which can give you a boost of creativity in battles.

However I think it did not manage to make a good balance between its exploration elements and how missions can be completed.. the game doesn't give you the option to skip Exploration, instead, it forces you into taking the long hard way to only reach your destination.. while selling you microtransactions to make traveling easier!

Adding to the poor investment in its storyline, which I found to be quite skippable and only serves as a way to present its gameplay and assigning you with irrelevant missions

•Dragon's Dogma 2 can be very frustrating at some point, but can also be really fun to play if you managed to adapt.

24 Mar 2024
Played On:PS5

An Immersive experience and a great RPG.
Wish to see more from the franchise In the future.
09 May 2024
Haven't finished, micro transactions are optional but still sour the taste of a wonderful game.
01 Apr 2024
+ slåss mot stora monster

- strukturen på quests
- ”wait till next morning”-the game
- stealth man tvingas utföra är värdelösa
- ”inventory management”-the game
- performance
- combat som inte är mot bossar känns enformig efter några timmar
05 Apr 2024
Very fun I really enjoyed the world, flawed masterpiece
13 Sep 2024
DD2 is a game of extreme highs and lows.

When it's at its best, DD2 is a unique and interesting classic-style RPG with a focus on combat and exploration. Leveling up your vocations, taking down large beasts and delving through rewarding dungeons was often great fun. The graphics were impressive, with particularly fantastic lighting and particle effects that brought the world to life, with an open world that (though not particularly original) was great to look at and admire. There were times when I was fully immersed in the game, with it providing that amazing feeling of getting sucked into an adventure, with a trek through a dungeon suddenly turning into an hours-long journey involving crazy boss fights and excellent loot.

Traversing it's open world is a challenge all on its own due to having very limited fast travel, a system that I did overall enjoy and had fun with, collecting port crystals and setting up a fast travel network of sorts as I progressed through the game.

Managing your pawns and equipment was also good, with a decent amount of depth and noticeable upgrades as you progress. Pawns can get annoying with their constant chatter, but a lot of them had great personalities and the fact that they are all created by other players was a nice idea.

Overall, when I was having a good time with DD2, it was one of the best modern RPG experiences I've had in a long time.

But now onto those extreme lows.

DD2 is an obtuse game. Sometimes very confusing. Sometimes incredibly frustrating.

The biggest issue is with the quests. Nearly all of them feel half-baked, with unsatisfying conclusions and bizarre directions you can take them in. They are also, to put it plainly, badly designed. Multiple quests will have you hopping back and forth between waypoints with ridiculous amounts of travelling in between. The unforgiving fast travel system means you will be doing a lot of running around to complete extremely simple requests, sometimes multiple times per quest, and with an open world full of monsters that will hound you everywhere you go, this can get old very quickly.

The main story is also, frankly, rubbish. It could have been intriguing with it's false Arisen on the throne plot that it sets up at the beginning, but almost immediately you are told exactly what is going on and all the mystery is ripped out from under it, leaving you feeling like you are just doing things by the numbers from beginning to end.

There is also a fair amount of jank that can ruin the experience. Sometimes in small ways that aren't too bad, like having an enemy that you've been fighting for 10 minutes suddenly fall off a cliff, leaving you with no loot to obtain and a severe feeling of disappointment. Or sometimes it can be in a very large way, such as the jank that made me uninstall the game and countless hours of progress being lost (involves late game spoilers so I won't say it here). The game has a serious problem with wasting your time, and with a world that can take hours to get anything done, it is incredibly deflating to experience at times.

Overall, I did have a good time with DD2 (I spent over 100 hours in the game and completed the 'true' ending) and in some ways I really loved it. But be warned for anyone considering jumping in: be ready to have your patience tested, and your time disrespected.
22 Aug 2024
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