Dicey Dungeons

13 Aug 2019

Linux Xbox One iOS PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Nintendo Switch Xbox Series X|S Android PlayStation 5 PlayStation 4
9.0 rating
181 want
563 played
98 playing
16 reviews
Terry Cavanagh
Terry Cavanagh



Fighting against fortune would be a lot easier if you weren't a walking dice.

I did enjoy dicey dungeons, but it got me bored and frustrated earlier than slay the spire. Ultimately theres a bit too much RNG with a few characters and that annoyed me.
01 Dec 2023
Really cool ascetics and overall design. For the first few runs I was really drawn in, the different dice mechanics felt fresh, until about 4-5 runs into the game. That’s when I kind of realized for the next 5 runs the core problem I have with this game.

Dicey Dungeons doesn’t give the player all that much agency. You get to pick your attacks/spells throughout the game, and you get to pick your routes in world map, but how to optimally do that is rather straightforward. There were very few times I felt a difficult choice between two options. You would think with dice there would be some kind of tension to it but it lacked any.

In some board games like Dice Throne you are given a bunch of different attacks and multiple chances to roll your dice to achieve a desired result. There is tension, agency, but also luck and chances to be calculated. You would think this might also apply to Dicey Dungeons, but it lacks in all those areas.

It is above average though. For someone that might be making their entrance into dice games like this, I might consider it a good entry point. For anyone that’s played say, Slay the Spire or something similar, it will be short lived.
02 Apr 2023
Cute asthetic and interesting strategy gameplay based on dice.

Overall I have to say though it started to feel repetetive and not really exciting enough to keep me playing. I believe that is partially because the game mechanics are a bit restrictive and not to versatile as soon as you get the hang of it. The different characters you can play affect the game mechanics heavily, but non of them felt interesting enough for me. But maybe I will pick it up again sometime in the future. For people who like dice games in general this would be a great casual experience!
27 Jun 2024
Dicey Dungeons aparentemente es un Rogue like basado en el azar. En la teoría parece una buena idea, pero en la práctica, tras haber jugado 5 horas, puedo decir que no se sostiene.

El diseño de cada personaje está bien siendo bastante originales, pero diría que es lo único bueno que tiene el juego, la originalidad.

Las distintas runs llegan a ser injustas, teniendo que rejugar los niveles de los personajes con ajustes que te ponen en clarísima desventaja. Esto hace que la frustración sea enorme porque en ningún momento puedes ganar por habilidad.

Si lo pillas con oferta del 90% o así, igual te lo recomiendo, pero el precio base está muy lejos de lo que es capaz de ofrecer este título.
25 Jan 2024
Dicey Dungeons foi uma oscilação de sentimentos em algumas horas eu achava ele muito simples, depois eu achava ele excessivamente punitivo, depois eu achava ele maravilhoso, inventivo e empolgante, depois passei a achar ele massante... no final após mais 50 horas explorando as possibilidades desse roguelike deckbuilder minhas impressões no geral foram bem positivas, acho que o começo é meio lento e simples o que pode desestimular muita gente a continuar... mas persistindo um pouco e tentando mais runs o jogo se abre e mostra a que veio trazendo uma gama bacana de personagens com estratégias bem distintas e interessantes, além de uma boa variedade de abordagens estratégicas pra construção dos decks subvertendo e misturando dinâmicas comuns do gênero. A trilha é deliciosa mas peca pela falta de mais músicas visto que ele é um jogo bem extenso se tu se propor a fazer a maior parte dos desafios. Por fim é um jogo charmoso que tem visuais lindos, uma narrativa divertida e com ótimas piadas, um gameplay bem completinho e que é um prato cheio pra quem curte o gênero e está procurando um novo jogo.
01 Apr 2024
الفكرة كويسه لكن اللعبه فقيره مافيها محتوى كثير ....بيجيك الملل بسرعه
11 Jul 2024
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