Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - A Criminal Past

23 Feb 2017

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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8.1 rating
14 want
82 played
4 playing
3 reviews
Eidos Montréal
Square Enix



Adam Jensen is back in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – A Criminal Past, along with both an old acquaintance in Delara Auzenne, and new characters. The second Story DLC will provide players with more insight into the lore of the Deus Ex Universe, allowing them to experience Adam Jensen’s first mission for TF29, set some time before the events of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.

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Status: Story complete

Replay: Yes

Device: PS4

Story: 8
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 8
World/design: 9
Music/sound/voice: 8
Enemies: 6
Characters: 8

Stability: No issues
29 Jan 2024
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was already one of our favorite games of last year, but both add-ons in Jensen's Stories have kept the game feeling fresh long after release. "A Criminal Past" was a bit more enjoyable than "System Rift" if only because "System Rift" took place in the same confines as the main campaign, and this new DLC lets us see someplace new and different we haven't been exploring for hours on end already. Whatever Square and Eidos have in store for Deus Ex in the future, "A Criminal Past" and Mankind Divided show there are plenty of ways to keep us coming back for more.
01 Oct 2021
Plataforma: XBOX SERIES X.
11 Sep 2024