
01 Jan 1970

PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4
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N/A rating
1063 want
309 played
44 playing
7 reviews



UNDERTALE's parallel story, DELTARUNE. Meet new and old characters in a tale that steps closer to its end, chapter by chapter. Dodge bullets in nonviolent RPG battles as you listen to funky, funky music.

This game has a lot of great stuff and I have very high expectations for the future, but it's just the beginning so 9/10
30 Sep 2022
Amazing game with simple minigames and puzzles,funny jokes and enjoyable combat system!This game is literally for everyone!It's simple,currently free and any pc can run it!
23 Jul 2022
Being a big fan of Undertale, Deltarune truly disappointed me. While I understand that Toby Foxx doesn't want his games to be compared, these to have very similar gameplay, artstyle, atmosphere, even characters are the same. Of course it will be compared, in every way besides the artstyle this is a downgrade.

The fights lost all their character and uniqueness, the plot is incredibly boring in all chapters and seems like a standard adventure teen show most of the time. Many of the characters are cliché and the best are most of the time side characters barely seen.

Some of the puzzles are so unbearably boring I had to stop and do it another time. The fight gameplay was seriously disappointing. I think he tried something new and didn't really develop it far enough because the On Line attacks of Undertale seemed often more fun and creative.

Still I have to admit the Art got far better, though some of the character designs again are quite cliché. I know all the lacking things could be argued by the twist, which in my opinion is okay, but I don't see that as a valid reason to make the whole game feel flat most of the time.

Standing on its own it is a clean basic game with cute basic characters, so for anyone that doesn't know Undertale or isn't the biggest fan, this can be quite enjoyable. I just have a lot of hope for the other parts and maybe this was all a ruse to trick us with wholesome comfort and he surprises us all with the further parts.

I am hopeful, but for now I can say, this is just not for me. Maybe the rating goes up after the next parts.
20 Jan 2022
part 2 nin Türkçesini bekliyom
07 Aug 2022
Diğer chapterları bekliyorum. Bir gün hepsini bitirince daha iyi bir şey yazacağıma eminim.
Sadece Noelle ve Susie... Aaahhh... 😭
29 Jun 2022
Bom dms
05 Jun 2022
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