
Castlevania Chronicles

24 May 2001

PlayStation PlayStation 3 PlayStation Portable
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N/A rating
133 want
181 played
8 playing
13 reviews
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo
Konami Digital Entertainment


Time to beat

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Main story

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Main story + extras

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100% completion

8h 30m
Based on 2 answers

The 2D whip-wielding action game Castlevania returns with a classic version never before seen in America with Castlevania Chronicles. Count Dracula has been resurrected to begin a new reign of terror across the land. As Simon Belmont, descendant of legendary vampire hunters, you enter Dracula's estate to face the Count and his minions - alone. Be prepared for one of the first adventures in the Castlevania series ever!

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Actually this is not re-make
This is like revision or revisited version of the original one,
The graphics is 10/10
But let me tell you sth, this game was 9/10 until before stage 10 but stage 10 was like tries to bully you and that was annoying in a way that made me to drop the game so i give it 4.5/10, becuase it has a serious problem in level design aspects of stage 10 which took the game to be a pure experience
19 Jan 2025
Un remake del remake del la primera entrega para la NES, en esta ocasión incluye la versión del ordenador X68000
Para la época en la que salió se queda muy corto en gameplay y es superado por muchas otras entregas de la saga, tanto en jugabilidad como en música, tiene picos de dificultad muy elevados, no destaca en ningún apartado y por eso es tan olvidable
05 Dec 2024
Remake competente traz toda a essência do jogo original com visuais novos e fases extras, os detalhes nos cenários ficaram incríveis, destaque para a penúltima fase onde passamos por calabouços e salas de tortura repleta de cadáveres, talvez seja o momento mais gore da franquia.
05 Nov 2024
ريميك لريميك عشان كذا بعطيه نفس التقييم كل شي قلته عن نسخة شارب ينطبق هنا التغييرات انه فيه طور جديد اسهل ويغيير تصاميم الشخصيات

اتفهم السهوله الجديده لأنه هذا ريميك للجزء الاول وتبي تجيب جمهور جديد اللي ما افهمه هو سايمون ابو شعر احمر
Rare Ayami Kojima L

باختصار: ريميك ممتاز فيه بعض المراحل الجديدة والمراحل القديمه فيها تغييرات وتغير ترتيبها، محجور بين فكرة انه ريميك وانه يبي يقدم افكار جديدة، المراحل الجديدة ممكن تعجبك وممكن تفضل القديمة اكثر في النهاية هو تفضيل شخصي
06 Oct 2024
Comprei achando que era uma variação do SotN. Não era.

Segue mais a linha dos Castlevanias tradicionais, mas é um ótimo jogo mesmo assim.
15 Aug 2024
Veramente difficile, mi è sembrato di tornare a giocare al primo Castlevania, lo consiglio a tutti coloro che vorrebbero scoprire una perla classicvania di cui purtroppo nessuno parla
10 Jul 2024
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