
Call of Duty: World at War - Final Fronts

10 Nov 2008

PlayStation 2
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N/A rating
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233 played
4 playing
11 reviews
Rebellion Developments
Activision Publishing


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Based on 1 answers

Call of Duty: World at war - Final Fronts is a first-person shooter game. It focuses is on single-player campaigns, as it has no multiplayer. The game is set in World War II. The player can carry two guns at one time, as well as grenades. Levels are played with a team of soldiers from both Britain and the U.S, that assist the player by killing enemies and completing objectives. The game has been criticised by some critics for the poor AI, which is evident when friendly soldiers push you out of cover and into the enemy line-of-fire.

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Sucks. Boring. Does nothing interesting. Plays stiff and slow with boring dull level design and nothing missions. Just straight back to the lame repetitive WW2 "narrative" we've seen a billion times. The only thing it has going for it is that it's one of the only to engage with the pacific theater but it's doing so much less than World at War proper that it's just completely useless and forgettable. I think it's the last PS2 game (why were we still releasing these in 2008) so thank God for that.
16 Mar 2025
سبب حبي لالعاب الشوتر
واكثر لعبة ختمتها بحياتي
وكل ختماتي كانت على اعلى صعوبة
25 Jun 2023
Primeiro call of duty que joguei na vida, muito bom, talvez seja nostalgia da minha parte, mas para mim é um dos melhores da saga.
03 May 2024
Fun game
01 Sep 2023
كانها لعبة اندرويد 😬
18 Mar 2025
Final fronts foi uma tentativa da Rebbelion de colocar uma segunda guerra mundial frenética no PS2. A campanha no pacífico embora seja tediante e um tipo de reciclagem do original, o resto é especificado como ação direta. Claro, é mais um jogo de segunda guerra mundial de PS2.
(Finalizado no PS2)
05 Dec 2024
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