Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

04 Nov 2016

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One
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7.7 rating
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5792 played
302 playing
202 reviews
Infinity Ward


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Based on 26 answers

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. Campaign is a return to the gritty, military roots of the franchise, while boldly looking ahead, delivering a rich and engaging narrative that is unlike anything to date in a Call of Duty game. The player will embark on a classically-styled story about grand scale warfare, set in a future where human conflict has spread throughout our solar system. Multiplayer combines popular mechanics such as the chained-based movement system, with a load of gameplay innovations to deliver one of the deepest and most engaging online experiences in gaming. The new Zombies mode will thrill co-op players with an original, distinctive approach and an uproarious narrative sure to excite fans. The title introduces stunning, multi-planetary environments, new weaponry, and all-new player abilities.

slide 1 to 4 of 7
Underrated campaign
31 Oct 2022
Played only the multiplayer
06 Sep 2023
This is abomination 😅
21 Dec 2023
I had a lot of fun playing this game when it came out, much better movement than AW and BO3, victim of the oversaturation of the futuristic setting.
02 Sep 2023
Played on: Playstation 4 (Standard)
Version: Playstation 4
Edition: Digital

I actually dug this one. A lot of fun & had a fresh approach to an exaughsted franchise. Good gunplay, gameplay, & overall execution.

Final verdict: Buy it
06 Jun 2022
The multiplayer for this game is the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life and the zombies is so forgettable... but the campaign is awesome. I recommend 1/3 of this game but don't pay for it. Wait for it to come out on Game Pass.
01 Jan 2021
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