Battle Chef Brigade

20 Nov 2017

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Nintendo Switch
8.1 rating
61 want
133 played
7 playing
1 reviews
Trinket Studios
Adult Swim Games



Battle Chef Brigade features fantasy chefs, including Orcs, Elves, and Humans, who need to hunt dangerous monsters for ingredients. With those ingredients, before the critical eye of the judges, the chefs create culinary masterpieces in an intense tournament. Battle Chef Brigade pairs one part combo-based action hunting and one part puzzle-based cooking, all as the round clock ticks down.

Por desgracia le doy la nota porque la historia se puede hacer pesada y es previsible, pero ojo el sistema de juego a mi me enganchó pese a ser muy simple y por ello le hago un huequito en mi kokoro
11 Dec 2023
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