
Assassin's Creed: Rogue Remastered

20 Mar 2018

PlayStation 4 Xbox One Google Stadia
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6.8 rating
510 want
948 played
97 playing
51 reviews
Ubisoft Sofia
Ubisoft Entertainment


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Main story

10h 30m
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Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 9 answers

In addition to running in 4K, Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered sports higher-resolution textures and shadows, improved environmental rendering, and new visual effects, making its sprawling wilderness, Arctic icescapes, and bustling version of New York City more striking than ever. The new edition also packs in all of the original's downloadable content and expansions, including two bonus missions – The Armor of Sir Gunn and The Siege of Fort de Sable – as well as the weapons, outfits, and customization items in the Master Templar and Explorer packs. It also includes a new bonus: Bayek's legacy outfit from Assassin's Creed Origins.

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If i want to define this game I'll say it's a mixture of assassin's creed 3 and black flag with a great idea in the story and it reflects on the gameplay and so much better designing in the missions there are ships and oceans but less than black flag and that's what I need with three small worlds one of them is New York with no seas and amazing parkour and the others with water a few lands with good design
The story is great it shows the other side the templars ( and probably the right one) and we see that we should believe what we want not what we are brought up to we should fight for our beliefs even if we do stuffs we don't want to do even if we fight the ones who we love them
And with talking about gameplay I have to say it's great it's the same from previous games but there are assassin's in many places want to kill you and a few powerful weapons and enhanced parkour and the most important thing is the missions and assassinations and stealth and I found a lot of fun when I play it
But it has some disadvantages like make the story quickly when we need more time to build characters and events and although that I like putting many characters from other assassin's creed games but they are so much and I feel the developers was lazy and don't want to make an effort to create new ones so I want it to be longer
07 Nov 2024
Very nice to be a templer for once
08 Mar 2024
Not opening in PS5 !!
06 Jan 2024
Gameplay 7/10
Graphic 7/10
Soundtrack 8/10
Story 7/10

"If you missed old school assassin's Creed (specially Black flag) but you don't have time and patience for those (specially pirating part) this game is going to be best option you have. Assassin's Creed rogue always was one of my favorites(specially shay himself)and I really enjoyed to replaying it (it's pretty same game but in better frame rate and shape)
It was a short experience but I think that was enough for nostalgia"

Platform : Xbox series S
30 Sep 2023
Wish they made the Templars more unique

Other than that solid game
07 Feb 2024
A scam from Ubisoft
24 Oct 2023
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