1941: Counter Attack

01 Feb 1990

PC Engine SuperGrafx Arcade
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6 reviews
Hudson Soft


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The year: 1941. The place: 20,000 feet in the air over the North Atlantic. Lightning flashes across the skies of war-torn Europe. Your mission: beat back the imperial forces before they can use their new weapon! In 1941: Counter Attack, the goal is to shoot down enemy airplanes and collect weapon power-ups. It is the prequel to 1942, and the third game in the 19XX series.

1941: Counter Attack, is an early Capcom shmup, featuring WWII era planes, with a semi-fantastical feel to it. I played this game as part of the Capcom Arcade Stadium release on the Nintendo Switch.

I really enjoyed this game. The depth of level design, and interesting, almost fantastical bosses (giant tanks, or a rocket ship brimming with guns as it takes off) is really interesting, and I always love the unique level design and interesting bosses shmups have to offer. This game delivers on that. Gameplay wise, this game is an early shmup, and it shows. Movement and bullet interactions look and feel a bit slower; this is no bullet-hell. This didn't detract from my enjoyment of the game, but did make it feel more like an experience with the past than anything. Length wise, the game feels short and sweet - refreshing compared to some of thr other games in the "194X" series, which can span 30+ levels. Difficulty felt a tad easier on this one. Although it wasn't a huge challenge for me to complete, I still really loved my time with it.

All in all, I had a great time with this excellent early shmup. Short, sweet, and maybe a tad easy, it nonetheless has all the interesting encounters that I enjoy in a good shmup. I game this game an 8/10 (excellent) and would add it to a "favourites" list.
13 Jun 2023
Played: 13 hours
Record: 8 214 623 points
Platform: Arcade
18 Jul 2020
É um game bem satisfatório, relativamente fácil se comparado com os outros vários games da época do Arcade, cada ficha vc pode tomar 5 tiros, e a velocidade dos tiros dos inimigos são aceitáveis, as fases que achei mais difíceis são a penúltima e última fase, essas sim foram feitas para roubar dinheiro na época kk

marquei - 6 176 521 pontos
joguei por uns 20 minutos
devo ter usado umas 12 fichas kk
valeu a diversão!
27 Jan 2023
Jogo bom e bem curtinho. Legal pra passar o tempo, menos de 1 hora de gameplay. Papa fichas como de costumes de jogos arcade. Recomendo.
PS: o design do Boss final é meio fraquinho comparado aos outros Boss do jogo.
31 Aug 2024
Plataforma: Arcade
19 Nov 2022
aviones se matan
22 Jul 2021
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