Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

10 Oct 1993

Philips CD-i
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N/A rating
32 want
24 played
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2 reviews
Animation Magic
Philips Interactive Media



Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon was the product of a compromise between Nintendo and Philips following their failure to release a CD-ROM based add-on to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed in tandem with Link: The Faces of Evil and marks the first game where the eponymous princess Zelda is playable. The Wand of Gamelon differ from most conventional Zelda games as it is a platformer with a side-scrolling view, similar to The Adventure of Link. Stages are accessed from a world map, with more becoming available as Zelda clears an area or defeats a boss. The game have been subject to much criticism and Nintendo does not recognize it as part of the series.


6 Hearts

27 Deaths

Sword: Magic Sword Lv2

Shield: Mirror Shield

Items: Ropes, Bread, Bombs, Power Glove, Flute, Fairy Latern, Magic Cape, Latern Oil, Wand of Gamelon, Bottle

Treasure: Arpagos Egg, Arpagos Feather, Fairy Dust, Hanyu Spore, Heat Crystal, Cloak

Rupees: 411

26 Jun 2022
يا الله ما هذيه لعبة مقرفة يعني انا اريد ان اعرف هل هذا لينك الذي نعرفه او انه شخص يحول ان يقلد لينك
انا لا اعرف من اين ابدا من سلبيات لان لعبة غير مفهوم
بكل اختصار لعبة سيئة جدًا جدا و بس مع سلامه 💔💔😊
01 Jul 2023
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