Ys X: Nordics

28 Sep 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Nintendo Switch PlayStation 5
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7.8 rating
289 want
96 played
17 playing
4 reviews
Nihon Falcom
Nihon Falcom
Clouded Leopard Entertainment Inc.
NIS America


Time to beat

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Main story

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Main story + extras

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100% completion

Based on 3 answers

Ys X: Nordics is a brand-new adventure set in the northern sea Obelia Bay, featuring young adventurer Adol Christin as the protagonist. Please look forward to this latest title in the Ys series, from the development team that brought you Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.

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Actually, I really really like it.
It's the first game of its kind that I am playing and I'm hooked. I finished the Demo and will definitely be buying the full game. I especially like the character design of Karja - her Barta Outfit without the mask thingy is so pretty.

Some things I didn't like were:
1. I'm playing with Japanese audio and English subs. Some comments and battle sentences aren't translated on screen. I mean, I get the gist of it, but it would be nice if it would be on screen or readable somewhere.

2. In the cutscene with the "evil version of Karja's dad" (I forget names, whoopsie) what he says to Adon isn't fully translated. I got the gist of it with google translate but it was still weird xD
16 Oct 2024
Un excellent Ys qui procède à un changement depuis le standard instauré par Ys Seven. Le choix fort de contrôler un duo de personnage plutôt qu'une équipe de trois est rafraîchissant, fait sens à tous les niveaux dans le jeu et apporte un gameplay dynamique et solide. L'histoire n'est pas en reste avec des thématiques touchantes et un univers graphique prenant. Seule ombre au tableau : la technique très perfectible, mais quand on est un fan de Falcom on est habitué. Les phases de bateau ne sont pas exceptionnelles non plus, mais je les ai appréciées malgré tout.
14 Mar 2025
45 horas
Bom jogo mas acho que eh o ys q eu gostei menos. Mta conversa besta
19 Nov 2024
국밥같은게임 이스
가격도 국밥처럼 올라버려 슬프지만
언제나 든든하다
19 Oct 2023