
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

02 Mar 2006

Android PlayStation Portable iOS
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8.5 rating
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82 played
10 playing
4 reviews
Square Enix Product Development Division 10
Square Enix



Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is the PlayStation Portable port of the original Valkyrie Profile developed. The port is of the Japanese PlayStation version and does not have any of the gameplay improvements or changes made to the original English version, though the additional cinematics included in the English version are intact. Full motion video has been added to story events in the game and replaces all original anime scenes. Lezard Valeth's teleportation circle was changed from a pink pentagram to a purple circle though this was left unchanged in the PlayStation Portable version. The names of Frei, the elder sister, and Freya, the younger, were reversed from Norse mythology and from the Japanese version (though in the former, Frei is the elder brother). The English version of Lenneth uses an enhanced version of the original game's localization and reuses the original English voiceover track. Square Enix cleaned up the original game's English script and additional voice over dialogue for the CG movies was recorded by New Generation Pictures, rather than the original company, TAJ Productions.

Turn based with pointless gimmicks
13 Apr 2024
Jogo maravilhoso, feito o final A e B
06 Feb 2025
Muito bom!
Pena que só dão valor pro primeiro
11 Sep 2024
Uma história intrincada e imaginativa de destinos tecidos pelos deuses e mortais inspirada na mitologia nórdica, marcada por um combate excepcional e trazida à tona por uma trilha sonora considerada uma das melhores de todos os jogos. Testemunhe a origem da franquia VALKYRIE com seus próprios olhos.

Há muito tempo atrás, os mundos foram forjados: Midgard, o domínio dos mortais, e Asgard, o reino dos seres celestiais: elfos, gigantes e deuses.
Por ordem de Odin, a donzela de combate desce do Valhalla e contempla o caos em Midgard, buscando as almas dos valorosos.

Ela é a Convocadora dos Abatidos.
Ela é a Mão do Destino.
Ela é a Valquíria.

Conforme a guerra devasta Asgard nas alturas e o Ragnarok ameaça trazer o fim do mundo, ela precisa conhecer sua própria história e descobrir seu próprio destino. Do céu ao mundo sob ele, a batalha pelas almas dos deuses e dos humanos começa agora.
Zerado em 10/12/2013 no PSP.
14 Jan 2023