Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2

16 Nov 2004

PlayStation 2 Xbox Nintendo GameCube
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7.5 rating
89 want
131 played
5 playing
5 reviews
Red Storm Entertainment



Set in the near future, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 puts the player in the shoes of a highly trained operative who works as a part of the infamous military unit from the U.S. Special Forces only known as "Ghosts". The game is set in North Korea, where an evil general is diverting all the humanitarian aid to boost his forces and gain more political power in the process and it's up to Ghosts to eliminate this threat. There is a single player campaign mode, where the player as part of the Ghosts, must take on the evil general in 11 different and quite long missions. There is also a multiplayer modes in both on and offline. The main campaign can be played through with a friend, or you can fight other players in multiple game modes spanning from a simple deathmatch to team based modes. New to this part of the series is the possibility to use a third person viewpoint, but the classic "From the eyes"-view is also available.

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summit 2 strike have it
20 Jun 2021
1h PS2
30 Sep 2020
Shooter curioso, no esperaba nada de él y la portada nunca la olvidé, buen juego.
20 Jun 2024
09 Nov 2023
Ghost Reccon 2 é um conceito legal porém, o jogo em sí é algo enjoativo devido sua gameplay, um game esquecivel. Nota 5/10.
(Finalizado no PS2.)
29 Jul 2022