This Bed We Made

01 Nov 2023

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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8.2 rating
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163 played
11 playing
15 reviews
Lowbirth Games
Lowbirth Games


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Based on 2 answers

This Bed We Made is a third-person mystery game in which you play as a maid in a 1950s hotel and snoop around strangers' rooms to uncover their deadly secrets. Discover what links the clients together in this tale of love, heartbreak and murder!

slide 1 to 4 of 5
This is a much better game than I expected. It is not fully polished by any means, but the depth of story to keep you playing was alluring. It is basically a semi-detective game where you look around for evidence in a hotel, solving puzzles as you go and interacting with a few characters here and there.

The game does have multiple endings, and choices do matter, as there is a special reveal (true ending) in one of the endings. No spoilers, but for you to be able to reach that, you might need some extra investigation.

There is no action in this game, it is simply a mystery solving, point and click-ish kind of game. Short if you play through just 1 ending, but I personally went for 2 endings.

I would recommend it if you are looking for a chill time and might want to take a break from heavier games.
10 Mar 2025
Not exactly up to the AAA level of gameplay but don't let that stop you. It's very well designed and developed. Far better than lots of AAA titles out there. Good detective kind of vibes with great suspense, story, thoughts and love poured into it.
Although the story can get a little off or bland near end game.
08 Jan 2024
Why it all about LGBT!!
09 Dec 2023
Story / Plot = 4/5 ★★★★☆
Pacing = 5/5 ★★★★★
Gameplay = 5/5 ★★★★★
Visuals = 5/5 ★★★★★
World Building / Lore = 5/5 ★★★★★
Atmosphere = 4/5 ★★★★☆
Characters / Character Development = 3/5 ★★★☆☆

Average = 4.4/5 ★★★★☆
Own Rating Of The Game = 4/5 ★★★★☆
Final Rating = 4.2/5 ★★★★☆

Played: Nov 2024
Replayed: -

[ ] Game for impact
[ ] Horror Game
[v] Cozy Game
[ ] Rpg
[ ] Platformer
[ ] Survival
[v] Puzzle / Strategy
20 Nov 2024
Platform: PS5
Edition: PS5 digital
Trophies: 61% - 23/34
Rating: (7) good ⚪️⚪️🟢⚪️

A little "detective" game where you snoop around hotel rooms as a curious maid. This Bed We Made has a nice visual style, pretty good voice actors and a well-written story. For a first title from Lowbirth Games, it's pretty impressive how consistent the quality is throughout the four-hour mystery.

Just a few complaints. Although facial animations are expressive (especially Sophie's), the movement of characters is pretty stiff and unnatural, which is apparent during cutscenes. There weren't that many dialogue options, and the puzzles were too easy, but there was just enough freedom to snoop around that I didn't mind the linearity too much.

There are several endings/outcomes, so it felt like my choices DID make a difference—something many developers fail to do properly in similar "your choices matter" games. Achieving the platinum trophy requires sitting through the same unskippable cutscenes, but I might replay the entire game a bit later. Would recommend for fans of narrative games and crime fiction.
18 Jun 2024
This was such a well made game, really unique and gets you hooked fast. The only thing that I didn’t love is the unclear ending (though there are multiple endings, I probably got one of the bad ones)
22 Nov 2024
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