Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

16 Feb 2012

Nintendo 3DS iOS
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8.2 rating
78 want
260 played
17 playing
3 reviews
indieszero Co., Ltd.
Square Enix 1st Production Department
Square Enix



Theatrhythm Final Fantasy features a hybrid of music rhythm gameplay with RPG elements. Adorably re-designed heroes from the catalogue of FINAL FANTASY titles will set out on an adventure to combat memorable villains with the rhythmic taps of the player's stylus.

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A fun, whimsical, lighthearted rhythm game that features a number of popular and memorable songs from the Final Fantasy Franchise. This game is relatively small, and can be cleared pretty quickly, outside of just trying to beat songs at harder difficulties. It's sequel, Curtain Call, is extremely good and packed with much more content, as well as Final Bar Line which may have the most. This one is a good beginner Theaterythm, but it's a good idea to play Curtain Call and Final Bar Line instead of more seriously.
08 Sep 2023
08 Feb 2025
Cara que experiência incrível, para quem ama Final Fantasy vai adorar.
29 Oct 2023