The Beginner's Guide

01 Oct 2015

Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac
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7.5 rating
182 want
373 played
5 playing
17 reviews
Everything Unlimited Ltd.
Everything Unlimited Ltd.


Time to beat

Main story

1h 27m

Main story + extras

1h 32m

100% completion

1h 38m
Based on 15 answers

A metafictional account of Davey Wreden, creator of the Stanley Parable (2013), who takes the player through the games of his old friend, Coda, while giving his commentary and interpretations of them, in order to understand why he makes the bizarre, often melancholic games that he makes, and decipher Coda's personality and inner struggles.

This is a masterclass on how to make art.
16 Sep 2021
One of the best.
15 Jun 2020
Unbelievable writing... full of clever and fresh ideas. Downloaded Unity a literal second after finishing the game one of my favourite narrative experiences ever
10 Apr 2022
made me cry lol
28 May 2024
I'd pay so much money to be able to play this for the first time again
12 Mar 2024
In less than two hours, Davey Wreden wraps up a deep cut on how we conceive art as a species.
09 Aug 2023
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