01 Apr 1993
01 Apr 1993 - PC (Microsoft Windows)
19 Aug 1999 - PC (Microsoft Windows)
A platformer developed for Windows 3.1. The game is broken into two episodes and was planned to have a third which was never released. - Adventure 1: Crazy Computers - Adventure 2: Savage Stones - Adventure 3: Wild Waters (Abandoned)
MicroMan is the victim of a top-secret experiment that went terribly wrong. Wearing a special weapons suit, Bob Jones voluntarily stepped into the Molecular Miniaturizer created by Dr. Schnapps. The doctor turned on the power and the miniaturization process began. After a few moments of blinding white light, Bob Jones was reduced to the size of a few microns. The experiment seemed to be a success but the Molecular Miniaturizer suddenly started smoking and a few seconds later, exploded, killing all those in the lab, including Dr. Schnapps. Bob Jones, now known as MicroMan, was never found after the explosion. However, since the Molecular Miniaturizer and its creator had both been destroyed, it didn't really matter – there was no hope to return MicroMan (formerly Bob Jones) to his original size. MicroMan now finds himself in a strange and hostile world where he is one of the smallest inhabitants. Now, his mission is personal: to explore and stay alive.