Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels

03 Jun 1986

Nintendo 3DS Wii U Wii Family Computer Disk System
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N/A rating
91 want
564 played
32 playing
23 reviews
Nintendo R&D4


Time to beat

Main story

3h 30m

Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 3 answers

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels is a direct sequel to Super Mario Bros. Not to be confused with the western Super Mario Bros. 2, this sequel to Super Mario Bros. is very much an expansion to the original, with many reused graphics and concepts, though new ones are also present. The game was initially released for the Japan-only Family Computer Disk System.

Playtime: 2 hours
03 May 2023
This is hella difficult, I don't even know how anyone can beat this without saves, honestly. I don't remember if the controls in the 1st game were as shitty as these, but ohmygod, they are horrible here.
30 May 2022
It's good, more difficoult than the first Super Mario Bros. since it requires some skills and kniwledge of the game mechanics (together with some hidden passages and blocks which are mandatory to use in order to complete levels), but as someone who had no big problems with the first game, this one was also good. I appreciated World 9 too.
The level design was kinda boring after World 5 tho, every level looked the same with that annoying wind + big jump gimmick and Hammer Koopas EVERYWHERE.
09 Sep 2021
Super Mario Bros ama bölümler daha zor
25 Sep 2023
Dios este juego era muy difícil y la dificultad venía muchas veces de injusticias en el gameplay, puzzles sin sentido o bloques troll... Al jugar lo odias con toda tu alma, saca lo peor de ti y comprendes el porqué de que no lo sacasen de Japón. Le pongo un 4 por el hecho de que en su época sería un juego puntero aunque no cambiaron casi nada del Super Mario original.
09 Apr 2023
Sería un buen DLC.
Es la mejor manera de describirlo, usa muchos de los recursos del primer Super Mario Bros pero con niveles nuevos mucho más difíciles y algún que otro elemento nuevo.

Es un buen desafío si les gustó el primer Super Mario Bros.
02 Feb 2023
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