Sonic Colors: Ultimate

07 Sep 2021

Xbox One Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox Series X|S PC (Microsoft Windows)
7.4 rating
284 want
415 played
64 playing
24 reviews
Blind Squirrel Entertainment



Join Sonic in the high-speed adventure of a lifetime across a colorful interstellar amusement park. Color the Universe in Sonic Colors: Ultimate!

Just how I remembered it.
24 Mar 2023
Sonic Team have no idea what the world "polish" means. They had the perfect opportunity with this remaster to turn a good game into a great game but it's still as janky as ever. I guess 60fps is nice but the only real improvement they've made is the feature where the game warns you when you're approaching an instant death pit.
There are still so many frustrating aspects of this game they could've easily fixed: for example, the double jump button is the same as the homing attack for some ungodly reason, there are invisible walls everywhere that prevent you from going back for collectibles you missed and trying to jump while grinding on a rail is often suicide, not to mention they didn't even bother to remaster the cut scenes. This version also includes bugs and glitches that weren't present in the original, like how the final boss of the final level no longer telegraphs its moves making it almost unbeatable.
With all of that being said, this is still Sonic Colours which is a (sometimes) fun experience and it is easily one of the few good Sonic games out there, although I guess that isn't saying much.
23 Nov 2022
Really good. Had a good mix of platforming and speed. Some sections can get a bit annoying and it does have a bit too much 2D but the game is still really fun. Getting collectables was a very fun thing in this game.
04 Jan 2024
Never wanna play again
01 Aug 2023
worst port ever but the game’s good
04 Feb 2024
Took me 3 days it was fine
07 Mar 2023
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