Solo Leveling: Arise

08 May 2024

Android PC (Microsoft Windows) iOS
7.0 rating
173 want
327 played
181 playing
22 reviews



Solo Leveling: Arise is an action RPG based on the South Korean web novel of the same name.

Solo leveling
08 May 2024
Very repetitive, fun combat, doesn't reward player for actually playing the game, but rewards players for auto-playing the game and logging in daily.
I kind of enjoy it, but it can be frustrating.
12 Jun 2024
loading leveling
27 May 2024
mid gacha game with good visuals
23 May 2024
I'll have to start off with I don't ussualy play mobile games but being hospitalized does give you a lot of time!

I am not overly familiar with the anime or manwha but I really enjoyed the story have to admit the artstyle of the panels that tell the story in comic like form blew me away.

Your protagonist Jin woo starts off as the weakest hunter in the world but through a terrible event gains the ability to level up.

Most of the game takes place in dungeons ( inter dimensional shift I believe? ) and hunters are despatched to clear out dungeons filled with video game favorites like werewolves and goblins.

The boss battles in the story mode are spectacular and the mobile controls are surprisingly good with some great voice acting.

The only problem is the gameplay is super receptive which is why I have scored a 6.

There is after story game play like clearing gates and mining as well as encore events that let you replay boss battles with other characters from the game.

The games high point I do feel is the story and I may check out the anime due to this. I do wish there was more variety though.
28 Aug 2024
Bored already lol.
16 May 2024
Load more