SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium

30 Nov 1999

PC (Microsoft Windows) Neo Geo Pocket Color Nintendo Switch
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7.5 rating
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27 played
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With 18 starting characters (26 total after unlocking), numerous battle modes and varied minigames, this may be the largest fighting game for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. Choose the fighting style that suits you from the available Single, Tag and Team modes. The SC Olympic mode grants access to minigames from a music game featuring Felicia to a whack-a-mole style game with Jubei. The Olympic mode also allows players to compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in various fighting challenges. Link features include NGPC-to-NGPC battles and NGPC-to-Dreamcast data exchange with other SNK titles.

Primeiro título desse crossover que saiu originalmente para NeoGeo Pocket e que eu zerei no Nintendo Switch!
Mesmo sendo limitado entrega o que você espera de um game de luta portátil!
Zerei com 26 minutos!
Zerado em 22/01/2023
22 Jan 2023