Sniper Elite: Resistance

30 Jan 2025

PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 4 Xbox One PlayStation 5 Xbox Series X|S
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7.7 rating
465 want
253 played
102 playing
22 reviews
Rebellion Developments
Rebellion Developments


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

5h 12m
Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

51h 5m
100% completion icon

100% completion

51h 5m
Based on 3 answers

Offering unparalleled sniping mechanics, stealth and tactical third-person combat, Sniper Elite: Resistance turns the attention of the award-winning series towards a hidden war, far from the front lines, deep within the heart of occupied France.

First and foremost I'll say that I'm not the biggest fan of this franchise heck even shooters in general. Nothing wrong with them it just isn't my genre of gaming. So I was forced against my will to play this....on an xbox😭 Now I grew up with playstation, no shade towards the xbox players im sure yall are nice folks but like....playing with an xbox controller feels very strange, sometimes i felt my skin tingle as if asking..."what is this... why??"
😭😭anywho I'm dramatic for the comedy.

This game is a good distraction if you wanna escape our tragic reality currently. If you got pent up anger and frustration and just wanna let it out...well you got your game right here. It is A standalone mid-generation instalment of Rebellion’s long-running Nazi-sniping franchise, that doesnt really feel like a stand alone game it feels like a DLC for sniper elite 5 very much like Miles Morales was for Spider-Man 2018. Unsurprisingly, that means it sticks very closely to the series’ established formula, but it still provides plenty that can be new for fans of the franchise or even casual players.

Usually we are used to having Karl Fairbourne sticking around however he must have got tired, he hasn't been laid in a while, he took a break so now we got this new dude called Harry...whose British....because that's the most creative name to use for a british guy....😐 very much like Karl, Harry is a SOE operative, with them James bondy vibes. They've taken inspiration from other games to give to Harry like his Stealth style very much similar to the hitman games.

Other scenarios familiar from previous Sniper Elite games which are also present, such as Invasion Mode, which lets you enter other players’ campaigns as an Axis sniper and vice versa. You can also play the campaign co-operatively with one other person. And there’s full competitive multiplayer, both free-for-all and team-based. There’s a whole new mode, called Propaganda, which offers more nutty fast paced action compared to the game’s lengthier traditional missions. Propaganda mode is great, adding a much more immediate aspect to the gameplay, which is otherwise enacted in a longer-form manner. It is also grindy because there are hidden objectives. The AI for the Nazis feels realistic and it is a nightmare because they make life difficult.

This franchise’s graphics have evolved further, acquiring new levels of crispness and detail, along with some impressive lighting effects especially in indoor situations. This game can be a fun experience. which is just as well rounded as previous mainline entries. While you can rush through some of the missions, that approach feels counter-productive you do wanna feel the satisfaction of scoring those missions with the 3 stars ;)
11 Feb 2025
A big disappoinment, like what kind of game is this ? , releasing a game in 2025 with graphics sounds like it's a ps3 game , very disappointed , i can't even pass the first 1h , very boring . i wouldn't recommend this game .
04 Feb 2025
I've not completed previous Sniper Elite titles. I played multiplayer in Sniper Elite 4 but that's about it, this is the first game where I have completed the campaign. I'm familiar with the main character, and aware that this is a spin off.

I saw the reaction to this on media and had to give it a go. I personally enjoyed what I played and will likely return to the other games, I've heard people aren't happy with the lack of innovation however I can't comment on that.

Gameplay is fun and I like the variety of ways you can approach each mission. Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid and Hitman. The graphics are beautiful in each level, yet the cutscenes and character models look dreadful.

I haven't checked any post game content, but I can say that I'll likely try it all out. What's offered looks good enough to try. Collectibles in each level were interesting to hunt down, and each optional objective was fun.

Final Verdict - I strongly recommend this to new players like me. I can't speak for original players who might be disappointed with this one, yet it's another title on Gamepass. You can't really complain when it's essentially free.
08 Feb 2025
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تقييمي لها
31 Jan 2025
Está bien, entretenido y jugable, lo único que le puedo sacar malo es que parece más una expansión del Sniper Elite 5 que un juego nuevo, muy entretenidos los desafíos de propaganda, y la dificultad realista/auténtico bastante más fácil que nunca, pero me quedo con buen sabor de boca :D (sobre todo porque está en Gamepass)
09 Feb 2025
Sniper elite: Resistence zerado! Confesso que eu esperava até que bastante desse jogo, mas achei ele bem meia boca no fim. A jogabilidade do personagem é super cagada e imprecisa. Enfim, dou uma nota 6/10.
14 Feb 2025
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