Scarface: The World Is Yours

25 Jul 2006

Wii Xbox PC (Microsoft Windows) PlayStation 2
7.9 rating
226 want
440 played
23 playing
21 reviews
Radical Entertainment
Sierra Entertainment



The game begins in the film's final scene, with Tony Montana's (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa's assassins. But this is the point of divergence from the film. Instead of being killed by the Skull, Tony manages to sense him and shoots him down. He fights through his mansion, with many deaths on both sides. In the ensuing chaos, Tony sneaks to the front of the mansion, barely alive, and manages to escape in his car. Sosa is then informed that Tony's mansion has been seized and his massive drug empire has been reduced to nothing. Hiding in a safehouse located outside of Miami, Tony regrets the decisions he has made but swears revenge on Sosa.

The best conversations in a videogame.
Fookin Sigma masterpiece.
This needs a Remake.
11 Aug 2023
Best of ps2 after GTASA in my opinion...
Wish it had a remake ...
18 Dec 2023
Scarface > Vice City.
01 Dec 2023
what a classic!
12 Feb 2021
Some doors are better to be left closed forever
16 May 2024
game wasn't bad i just thought tony being funny kept me entertained more than anything . movie is 10X better!!
27 Apr 2024
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