
02 Apr 2024

PlayStation 5 PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac Nintendo Switch
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8.0 rating
87 want
31 played
3 playing
3 reviews
Empty Head Games
Empty Head Games


Time to beat

Main story


Main story + extras


100% completion

Based on 1 answers

"Savior" is the first independent videogame created entirely in Cuba. It is an animated 2D platformer that utilizes timing mechanics and other experimental elements more similar to non-games and other less commercial aspects of videogames. The story begins when your protagonist, a "Little God," awakes a strange dream to discover that his world is disappearing. From here begins a frantic search through eight levels, where you try at any cost to find the Creator of the Universe, "The Great God," with the sole purpose of saving your home. But on your way, you very soon discover that you are but an character in an unfinished story, and all the reality around you is only a segment of a colossal game is beginning to collapse. On this idea, that reality is nothing but a fiction, "Savior" creates an experience where the user will be constantly faced with atypical and surprising situations. We wish to give players the most personal and emotional game possible, and every day we’re working hard at the completion of this project.

Saviorless es un juego de plataformas y acertijos que cuenta una historia muy interesante, aunque lo hace de una manera bastante críptica, de manera que es complicada de entender en un primer momento.

A pesar de ello, el principal aspecto de este juego es su apartado artístico ya que es increíble. Su banda sonora es muy bonita, adaptándose en todo momento a lo que ocurre en pantalla. Además, los gráficos son excelentes, este juego cuenta con unos diseños, unas animaciones y unas cinemáticas dignas de admirar. Más de un juego con muchísimo más presupuesto debería aprender de este equipo de desarrollo.
12 Sep 2024
Jogo com uma boa história e arte linda!!
Gameplay gostosa com partes moderadamente desafiadoras!!
A trilha sonora achei bem mediana, mas nada que atrapalhou a maravilhosa experiência que eu tive com esse jogo dos camaradas de Cuba!!
01 May 2024
Primeiro jogo de um estúdio cubano. Design de Arte maravilhoso, história intrigante, boa trilha sonora. Pra quem gosta de indies com essa temática, é obrigatório. Um dos melhores que joguei esse ano.
28 Apr 2024
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