Ridge Racer 6

22 Nov 2005

Xbox 360
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7.6 rating
23 want
33 played
3 playing
2 reviews



Ridge Racer 6 is the sixth installment in the Ridge Racer series of racing games. Like previous Ridge Racer titles, the focus of gameplay is on placing first out of 14 in numerous 3-lap races across several tracks and numerous cars.

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The driving is very arcady in the break to drift kind of way, but I really enjoyed it. The Music and sound effects really get me in gear. The campaign has an interesting structure, where you pick choose your path through a cluster of events and despite there being 3 types of events (normal, reverse charge and no nitrous), you can finish the "Basic" part of the career by doing just normal races (not sure about the rest). My only major gripe is how easy it is to reset your progress. When you back out of storage device selection after the intro, then try to play the game, instead of prompting you to choose a safe file, it prompts you to create a new one, which I didn't realise until today, when I reset my progress for the third time.
27 Feb 2023
Extremamente divertido e com um sistema de progressão bem interessante onde você é livre para escolher a ordem que quiser para fazer os eventos. Trilha sonora é ótima e jogabilidade extremamente arcade mas bem viciante
29 Aug 2023