02 Nov 2005
02 Nov 2005 - Legacy Mobile Device
Ratchet and Clank are transported into a cell phone via the "MCGuFIN" and have to fight their way back out.
After some Bio Matter Converter technology is accidentally activated, Ratchet and Clank are transported inside a Secret Agent Clank Vid-comic. The boys soon find a teleporter, and after fighting against countless Megacorp security forces, including chickenbots, security bots, security tanks and explodes. They arrive at the Communication Station, where transmissions can be sent out from the digital world and in from the analog world. They contacted Big Al for help, and he tells them of the Macro Corporeal Geo Fragmentation Ion Negator (MCGuFIN), which could transport them Back to the analog world. He says he possesses one (Previously used as a door stop) and says that he will plug it up to his copy of the Secret Agent Clank vid-comic for them to retrieve. There is a problem, however, and the MCGuFIN is split into 6 pieces, each one being put inside a different Vid-comic. After travelling between the Vid-comics and retrieving them all, Ratchet and Clank return to Al. Al informs them that they need an Infolink in Maximillian's (Secret Agent Clank's Nemesis seen in the beginning of Up your Arsenal) Office. After bribing his bouncer they discover that Maximillian has already left. He has apparently used the same Infolink they need to escape through to the real world, where he plans to wreak havoc. They go to confront him, he reveals that it was all a trap to try to take the MCGuFIN. They defeat him and his security cannon, and soon after this, activates the MCGuFIN by sliding down the appropriate Infolink, and prepare to transport themselves back to an unknown place in the analog world.