Pokémon Unite

20 Jul 2021

Android iOS Nintendo Switch
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7.5 rating
137 want
3009 played
651 playing
133 reviews
Tencent Games
The Pokémon Company


Time to beat

Main story icon

Main story

Main story and extras icon

Main story + extras

100% completion icon

100% completion

Based on 2 answers

Team up and take down the opposition in Pokémon’s first 5-on-5 strategic team battle game! Join Trainers from around the world as they head for Aeos Island to compete in Unite Battles! In Unite Battles, Trainers face off in 5-on-5 team battles to see who can score the most points within the allotted time. Teamwork is key as you and your teammates defeat wild Pokémon, level up, evolve your own Pokémon, and work to prevent the opposing team from scoring points. Put your teamwork to the test, and take home the win!

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First MOBA I've ever gotten into. It's like LoL-lite. Pretty fun and I found myself addicted for a month or two however after time this game starts to become infuriating so it's good to take breaks. Also game is micro transaction heavy. You can still play without paying but if you want to access most of the features like the characters, you'll need to play daily for months. Also big downside are the bot games. There are too many of them and need to be tuned down.
01 Feb 2023
A weird but absolute great imprementation of Pokemon into the genre of MOBA. My favourite part being the customization.
Note: it has said to be P2W but I never got affected by it, probably an issue with higher ranks.
13 Feb 2025
Started playing when the game first came out, then dropped it. Today i have downloaded it again and don't even know what is happening.
30 Apr 2024
Just not for me. I don't enjoy this type of game play and don't see it as engaging. But that's just me.
02 Mar 2025
Pokémon Unite combina l'univers de Pokémon amb la jugabilitat estratègica d’un MOBA clàssic com League of Legends. La fusió funciona bé, oferint una experiència accessible per a jugadors nous i emocionant per als fans de Pokémon.

Un dels punts forts del joc és la seva política de microtransaccions. Tot i ser gratuït, el factor Pay-to-Win és mínim, ja que la majoria de compres són cosmètiques i no afecten el rendiment durant les partides. Això el fa un títol assequible i just per a tothom.

Les partides són divertides i addictives en un principi, però el joc pateix una notable falta de varietat. Amb pocs mapes i una jugabilitat que es manté constant partida rere partida, l'experiència es pot tornar monòtona amb el temps. A més, l'absència de mecanismes més profunds o estratègies diverses limita la rejugabilitat a llarg termini.
13 Jan 2025
I reached platinum, that's count as finishing the game right?
05 Jan 2025
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